I got the Laptop Speaker Bar from Think Geek for my hubby. He loves listening to music and watching movies on his Laptop so this was the perfect gift for him. This speaker bar easily clips to your laptop and plugs into the USB port. The cord even tucks into the bar so you don’t have lose cords all over the place. The speakers give off a great sound. It also comes with a travel case making these portable laptop speakers a must have!
So since I was getting a gift for hubby, I knew I needed a gift for Bug as well (I don’t want him to feel left out 🙂 ). I love that Think Geek has such a great variety and I was easily able to find several items I knew Bug would love. I ultimately decided on the Electronic Firefly in a Jar.
“Each Electronic Firefly in a Jar is loaded with magic. Tap the jar and your firefly will flutter around. Sometimes flashing when it flies, sometimes landing first and then flickering. It looks so real, especially in dim light. And guess what? You can even use your Electronic Firefly in a Jar as a real firefly collector. Just plop one on the ground outside at dusk and watch what happens. We’re pretty sure you’ll see the same thing we did: real fireflies coming to talk to your Electronic Firefly in a Jar.”-Think Geek
Let me tell you it was a wise choice! Bug love love loves his new firefly. He thinks it’s real of course 😉 and I don’t have the heart to tell him it’s not. I figure it’s a win win since he thinks its a real pet and I have zero maintenance. Nice. Great choice for a kids gift for sure!
I love the great variety of fun and interesting gifts Think Geek has to offer. See them all at www.ThinkGeek.com!
Think Geek Laptop Speaker Bar & Electronic Firefly in a Jar get Bragging Rights!