Motherhood is empowering and liberating. Rather than being restrictive, it is exciting and encouraging. There is no reason to confine yourself at home. Staying active post-pregnancy is possible and calls for only a little effort and appropriate supportive articles.
Baby carriers like a Bubba Bump Baby Wrap Carrier are boon for mothers who love to stay active and keep moving. Whether you are up for grocery shopping, going for a dog walk, or traveling and exploring the world baby carriers are your best pals.

These are available in various sizes and styles. While some are specifically for newborns you can also find models that are suitable for all aged children up to pre-school. Paying attention to the following pointers can help you find the most suitable baby carrier that will make your life easier.
- List features according to your needs
Some people like to carry their baby in the back while others prefer a front carrier. Some find a stretchy wrap better and others consider structured carriers with buckles more convenient and safer.
Many people also choose carriers according to the baby’s age. The market offers you plenty of options and combinations with various features. Making a list of features that you want would help you narrow down your options and choose the right model.
- Consider budget
If your budget is good, you can easily find many great options with all the required features. However, people with a limited budget often end up buying a carrier that is not comfortable for you and the baby.
If you are tight on your budget, go for a second-hand baby carrier. You can easily find quality carriers from many social media groups. Most of these carriers deliver value for their cost.
- Try your options
Just like jeans, one carrier that someone finds to be a perfect fit can be completely wrong for the other. These carriers have different fitting for different people.
It is always better to try your options before putting your money into them. Some stores also allow a 2 weeks trial period to let you assess the fitting and comfort of the carrier.
- Check for crucial safety points
Newborns do not have full head control. They often slump and drop their chin to their chest. The best carriers for such kids are those that allow you to hold them as tightly as you cuddle them. This ensures that they are tightly and safely held and their airways are clear. Make sure the carrier material does not obstruct your baby’s breathing.
- Listen to what your body says
Growing a baby inside and carrying a baby for nine months dramatically changes your body and its capabilities. As a new mom, you may not find it comfortable to carry your child for a longer period, in your arms or carrier.
Pick a well-fitted carrier that supports babies and makes them feel lighter. However, you should always give your body time to gradually build up to carry the baby for long hours.
- Be confident
Many new moms are hesitant and a bit nervous about baby carriers initially. This is natural as this is a new experience for both you and the baby. However, if you have given enough attention to the safety features, comfort, and fit of the carrier, rest assured. Wear your carrier confidently as babies like movement and it calms them in most cases.