This is a sponsored guest post. Your kitchen is one of the rooms that gets dirty quickly. That is because you handle a lot of food there, and this is something which you do on a daily basis. While you are already aware that you need to clean your kitchen regularly, there are a few items which most people tend to overlook.
The Washing Sponge This is an easy one. We all know how fast the sponge gets dirty, but the truth is that most people don’t replace them often enough. In fact, washing sponges should be replaced once a week if you want to make sure that it does not turn into a paradise for bacteria. If you think that you can sanitize your washing sponge, you are probably wrong. Studies have proven that there is no method that you can use in order to do that, now even microwaving it.
The handles The handles in your kitchen get dirty faster than you would imagine. That is because you touch them with your dirty hands while cooking. This means that you should get some disinfecting wipes and take care of all the handles, including the pantry door, the cabinets, the dishwasher and the fridge.
The cutting board The cutting board is used to cut all sorts of foods so there can be a lot of bacteria on it. You should sterilize your cutting board after every use. There is also the dilemma of plastic versus wood. While plastic appears easier to clean, the truth is that there can be grooves where bacteria can hide. On the other hand, wood boards are more difficult to clean. If you have a plastic cutting board, you can just throw it in the dishwasher since the high temperatures should sterilize it.
The sink Although it is hard to believe, your kitchen sink might be dirtier than your toilet bowl in some cases. Bacteria will breed quickly if you leave any dirty dishes. You should make sure that you clean the sink on a daily basis. Professional help is also recommended in more severe cases. For example, with a simple online search, you will find plenty of cleaning services nyc.
Dish towel Since you use these towels to wipe other surfaces, they contain a lot of germs. According to experts, you should try placing them in a dilution of bleach and water after each use. You could get a towel for each day of the week as well.