As a new year comes around, it’s natural to feel like you want to make a bit of a change. When a year comes to an end, we start to think about the things we wish we could have done differently, along with new goals that we might have for ourselves. But what happens when you’re not sure where to start? If you know that you’d like to get your life in order going forward, this blog post is the perfect guide to help you get started!
How to Make it Stick
If you’re wondering how you’re going to make this work, you’re not the only one! So many people set New Year’s resolutions to only break them a few months (or even weeks!) later! But if you know that you really want to organize your life and get yourself in great shape in every single area, it’s important to approach them in the right way. This includes being very intentional about what you want to achieve, not biting more off than you can chew, and only ever focusing on things that feel right to you – not what you feel like you should do!
13 Tips to Inspire You
Now it’s time to take a look at some of the things you might want to do in order to get things underway. It can seem overwhelming when you’re looking to do something new and shake up your life – but the key is to find what you want to work on and get things going, bit by bit. Let’s take a look!
1. Set Some Goals
First of all, you’re definitely going to benefit from setting some goals to help you feel like you have something to work toward. But you don’t have to be cliche here. It could be to spend more time with your family or to make more time to bake. It doesn’t have to be all self-development or about changing who you are fundamentally, but simply adding to your life in more ways!
2. Have a Clear Out
Then it’s time to get started with some of the different activities that could make your feel like your life is more in order in the new year. One of the best things you can do is declutter your home and have a huge clearout! As the year goes on, we all tend to accumulate more things than we realize. So as a new one begins, it always feels good to start off with a fresh clean, and clear one. That way, you’ll feel clearer as you go into the new year too!
3. Organize Your Home
As you’re doing that, you might also want to think about ways in which you can organize your home more too. This will go hand in hand as you start to declutter and donate items to charity, you can then look to organize what’s left. Or, you could get an organizing company in to help you instead.
4. Do a Deep Clean
When that’s done, you might also want to think about having a bit of a deep clean around the house. As much as you may have a cleaning schedule that works for you, there are always those jobs that we don’t get around to doing that can make a difference around the home. From deep cleaning the oven to using Uproot Washing Machine Cleaner Pro to jet washing your driveway, there’s always a running list of bigger jobs you might want to schedule in throughout the year. When they’re done, your home should feel so much fresher!
5. Book a Health Check
As well as making sure that your home is happy and healthy, you might want to do the same thing for yourself too! If you know that you really want to get your life in order this year, it’s really important for you to make sure that covers your health. Booking in for an MOT and getting all of your vitals done can be important. That way, you know if you have anything to be concerned about or whether you need to make any changes.
6. Improve Your Nutrition
From here, you might want to take a look at some of your lifestyle choices. Now, this certainly isn’t about going on a diet, restricting yourself, or feeling like you have to punish your body in order to look a certain way. Instead, it’s all about looking after yourself and eating nourishing foods that are going to help your health.
7. Focus on Your Physical Health
Next up, you might then want to work on your physical health too. Here, one of the best things you can do is exercise and look to get yourself in shape. This isn’t always about weight or how you look – but instead how healthy your body and organs are! You will also find that exercising more is not only great for your mental health, but it will give you more energy, help you to sleep better, and improve your digestion too!
8. Prioritize Your Mental Wellbeing
Alongside that, you might also want to think about what you need to do to get your mental health to where you want it to be. If you know that you’ve been stressed out or dealing with any anxiety recently, it could be time to change it. It’s important to realize that you don’t have to live like that. Instead, you can make it your goal to work on your mental health, protect your peace, and put yourself first in the new year.
9. Consider a New Career
Next up, it could be that you’re ready for a change in your career? Sometimes, you may want to change paths or consider pivoting and changing careers could be what allows you to do this. Or it might be that you have your eyes on a promotion or a new job at a different company? It doesn’t always mean that you have to start again from scratch unless you want to. It’s just about setting goals to drive your career in the right direction.
10. Go Back to School
As a step on from that, it might be that you actually want to go back to school too. Maybe you know that you’ve wanted to make a change for a long time? If you’re no longer happy in your career or you feel like you have always wanted to do a certain thing, maybe now is the time to do it? As long as you have the facilities in place to make it happen, you should seriously consider applying to school or doing a vocational course that will give you the qualifications you want to do what you love.
11. Start a New Hobby
Heading back to your personal life again, you might want to take a look at what you do in your free time. Maybe you feel like you need to shake that up a bit too? Here, it’s all about making sure that you enjoy yourself and do more of what you love. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn French or take up tennis? When that’s the case, this could be what you look to do in the new year.
12. Plan More Trips
If you know that you haven’t seen as much of the world as you’d like, it might be time to change that. So, you’ll want to think about planning more trips in too. This is something that you need to make more time for and plan in advance. But you can also get some great deals by doing so too. And before you know it, you’ll be seeing more of the world or even exploring more locally as the new year comes around too!
13. Fully Live Your Life!
Finally, the last thing that you might want to focus on this year is making sure that you are truly living your life to the fullest. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in worry and stress and stop ourselves from living our lives in the way that we want to. This doesn’t necessarily mean doing crazy things or getting out of your comfort zone – simply just doing the things you really want to do in life. This can be one of the most important things of all to ensure that you feel like you’re actually enjoying your life and living in the present moment.
How to Get Started
Ultimately, what you choose to do to get your life in order in the New Year is entirely up to you. There are so many things you could look to do – it’s always a good idea for you to think about what feels like the right fit for you. This is why it’s always the best idea to start with goals. Once you know what it is that you’d love to focus on, you can then curate a list of things that will help you to bring that all to life.
All it takes is for you to get the ball rolling with one thing and you should find that the rest all falls easily into place. So, see this as a fun challenge you’re about to embark on and see where it takes you!