The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat Review and Giveaway (2 winners!)
I have a strange obsession when we are out in public and I need to change one of my children’s diaper. I am obsessed with never letting their bodies touch any part of the area I am changing them on. I mean if I do not have a changing mat with me well then I find something else to lay them on. I have laid them on my coats, their blankies, a LOT of toilet paper, paper towels, and anything else I can find that is more sanitary. Its just one of my obsessive compulsive behaviors when it comes to the cleanliness of my children. When I was asked to review The Snug Bug BabyTravel Changing Mat I was very happy to accept! I will try out any changing mat that I can find. We lose a lot of them because my husband has a bad habit of forgetting to repack the changing pad after he uses it. So we have said goodbye to MANY many changing mats in the past 4 years or so.
The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat that I picked out was called “Moxie”. Ironically that is the name of one of my closest friends daughter. Its a really pretty simple design that I thought I would be able to use for a boy or a girl even though it has a peachish pinkish color in the design. The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat arrived fairly fast after I was told about the review. The Baby Travel Changing Mat arrived rolled up and I was right away really please by the size of it when it is rolled up. I was also happy that there was a little snap to keep it rolled up so that it would not just unfold or unroll on its own in the bag I carry it in. I do not always like to take a big diaper bag with me to places. Especially lately I have actually been in the transition of finding a new diaper bag because I wore my old one out. So the size of The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat fits perfectly in a number of my purses. I can slip a diaper or two, some travel wipes, and the Travel Changing Mat in a purse and just do some quick errands with the kids. I took a photo of the mat rolled up next to a box of Pasta Roni to show you the size proportions.
I really love The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat because not only does it help put a barrier between my babies skin and the dirty surface of a public changing table but it also wipes clean very fast and easily. Just take an extra wipe while you are out and wipe it down and you can sterilize it if you feel it necessary when you get home. Then you fold The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat in half, roll it up an secure it with the strap that has a snap to hold it shut. Its genius! I love portable sized baby necessities that you have to carry around when you go out with your baby. Really makes life easier not to have to lug around a huge heavy diaper bag as well as your growing, not so tiny anymore baby!
I also really liked that The Snug Bug company offers quite a few different color designs to choose from and they are not the usual baby blue and powder pink options. They are really classy modern print designs. They also carry other baby necessities on their website that I may have to look into purchasing for future use or baby shower gifts! I was also really excited that this was made by such a reputable company that cares about the quality of the products that they are selling.
For more information on The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat and any other products that they offer please visit
The Snug Bug Baby Travel Changing Mat Gets Bragging Rights!
TWO Lucky Bragging Mommy Readers will receive a Snug Bug Travel Changing Mat in their choice of Moxie, Woodsy, Sweet, Handsome or Riveria designs!!!
Enter this giveaway via the Giveaway Tools widget below.
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