With the festive season on the way, many people will be going out partying, drinking, and doing everything else humans love to do when it’s finally time to relax.
But, of course, there are risks associated with this. The police tend to be more active at this time of year, arresting people for everything from DUIs to driving without the proper insurance.

When this happens, many people are introduced for the first time to the costs of the legal system. Most are shocked by how expensive it is once you get involved with it.
This is something that bail bond agencies, like Mr. Nice Guy, understand well. They know how costly it can be to secure release, even on minor misdemeanor charges.
When people think about financial risks in their lives, getting arrested isn’t one of them. But considering that nearly 1% of the American population is currently incarcerated, it is a significant problem that warrants more attention.
That’s what Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds is trying to do with this new infographic. It wants to highlight that while bail is expensive, using bail bonds to get out of jail is a more affordable option for most people. It explains the process defendants have to go through and what happens after they submit their applications.
Hopefully, bail isn’t something that will affect you in your life. But when it comes to money management, it is well worth considering, particularly if you are in an area where the police are highly active.

Infographic by Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds