Colorado Springs is a beautiful place that has an abundance of activities to promote a healthy and sober lifestyle, but it can be hard to stay sober no matter where you live. There can always be triggers, distractions, and other forms of temptation around every corner. However, with a little bit of self-awareness and planning, you can stay sober in Colorado Springs. Here are a few tips for staying on track:

1) Prioritize your sobriety
Be honest with yourself about how much you’re willing to give up for a sober lifestyle. If you prioritize sobriety, you’ll have a better chance of staying sober. It’s not easy – but it is worth the fight.
2) Exercise regularly
Exercise can help keep your stress levels low and promote clarity in thought. In Colorado Springs, there are plenty of outdoor recreational activities that will help you stay in shape and keep your body healthy. Exercise can also promote a positive mindset, which will make it easier to avoid triggers like bars or parties that may cause you to relapse. Even after just thirty minutes of exercise, studies have shown that recovering addicts had a significantly lower desire for drugs and alcohol.
3) Eat healthily
Just like exercise, eating healthy will help with keeping your mind clear from addiction triggers. Eating nutritious foods will help your body to recover from the abuse of drugs or alcohol, and it can also help improve your mood. Stick with whole foods whenever possible, and avoid processed foods that are high in sugar or unhealthy fats.
4) Go to AA meetings
If you are looking for additional support in your sobriety, going to Colorado Springs AA can be a great way to connect with other addicts who are struggling or have struggled with the same thing. There is no shame in seeking help – everyone at an AA meeting will understand and be more than happy to offer their support. Keep in mind, however, that some AA meetings are different from others. It is important to find one that is right for you.
5) Get a sponsor
Having an accountability partner can give you someone to lean on, and it can also help keep you accountable for your sobriety. Getting sober is about more than just not drinking – it’s about learning how to live life without alcohol or drugs. No one understands this better than another addict who has been through the same things as you. A sponsor can help you to learn how to live a sober life and be there for you when times get tough.
6) Join sober clubs or groups
There are plenty of sober clubs and groups in Colorado Springs that can offer you support and friendship. These clubs and groups can be a great way to meet new people who are also trying to stay sober. They can provide a sense of community, which is often missing when an addict is first getting sober. You can also find groups on social media applications such as Facebook and Reddit, which can be a great way to connect with others in your community.
Colorado Springs is a wonderful place to live that offers many activities that will help you stay sober. It is important, however, to take the time to prioritize your sobriety and not be afraid of asking for extra support if needed. If you are looking for further information about local resources in Colorado Springs, is a great online resource to use.