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If you are having a baby, then being prepared is one of the biggest things you’re thinking about. You want the best for you and your baby, which also means the right items to purchase for them and for you. There are a number of reasons to choose a good baby bag. While this might seem like the least important piece to purchase when having a baby, it is actually one of the most important things to have.

The right bag is not only going to look great, but it is also going to be able to hold everything you need, and some. Find out some of the best parts to look for in a bag that you can carry around for both baby and you. You want something that works, but you also don’t want to worry about carrying multiple baby bags if the one you find doesn’t come with everything.
The Pockets
The pockets inside the bag have to be large enough to hold all of the essentials that you are going to need for baby. The younger the baby is, the more items they may need you to bring around for them. This means trying to stay as organized as possible when using the bag and items you can place inside it.
Find out if there are pockets on the inside and the outside of the bag. You also want to see if they have a section that is insulated with pockets, so you can place anything cold such as formula or breast milk that needs to be stored.
The Changing Items
Some bags come with changing items inside them. This is usually a changing pad that can easily be wiped down if something gets on it, as well as a travel wipes case. Both of these are useful, and they come in handy. If the bag doesn’t come with these items, it is not a deal breaker, you can just purchase them separately and then add them to the bag but if the bag does come with them, it is definitely an added bonus.
Some diaper bags even come with a section dedicated to changing. Not only just the pad, but the case and diapers also have a spot inside for them to fit.
The Comfort Strap
How comfortable the bag is to wear is also going to be something to look into, because you want to make sure that you’re walking around with a bag that is not holding you back or weighing you down. The strap should be one that you can sling over your shoulder, that has two handles for you to carry the bag around with, or one that can be worn like a backpack, offering more support.
The handles should not only be comfortable, but they should also be strong enough to hold all of the items that you place inside the bag. This is important, as you don’t want everything to fall out of the bag when you are carrying the items around. The support that the bag has will make a different on your back and on how long the bag lasts for.
How Big is it?
The size of the bag is another thing that many are worried about. You want something that is going to be large enough for you to carry around all of the essentials. The bag needs to be big enough to carry clothing items, toys, changing items, extra feeding supplies, medical items, and more. You need to be able to have enough space to place items that are needed or may be needed while away from home. This can be tough, as you may not know what you will need, but the right size bag can make all the difference when you have a baby.
Those that are searching for the perfect baby bag need to consider all of their options before choosing just one. Some parents like to have a couple of bags to choose between, or you can have one dedicated bag that has everything that you need inside it that you can grab and head out and go with.
The choice is essentially yours and which you feel the most comfortable using but know that you will be prepared when the time comes if you choose the right bag with the right items inside it. Pack up and head out with the bag that you decide on. Remember, it is a great feeling to have the items you need and want for your new baby. Congrats!