When we damage our teeth it is good to know that we can cover this up with dental veneers. There is then nothing to stop us from smiling as we did before.

To help everyone reading this better understand veneers we have put together a few facts below.
What are Dental Veneers?
A dental veneer is simply a thin shell that is made from porcelain or composite material. The way it is manufactured will allow it to be shaped to fit over a tooth, covering the front and the tip. The bond to the tooth is a strong one because of the cement used.
Veneer lengths will be longer to cover teeth that have become shorter because of wearing down over time or due to a sports injury, for example.
Can Veneers Just Be Fitted?
Teeth may need to undergo a cleaning procedure before a dental veneer can be applied. This makes sense so that no decay will take place in between the existing tooth and the veneer. Once fitted, though, the veneer forms a tight bond with no gaps.
What Kinds of Flaws Can Veneers Fix?
Veneers once fitted will protect the enamel from damage or further damage. They are used in reshaping and so will improve the appearance of teeth. They can lengthen a short tooth. This might be because of a worn-down tip or because there has been damage to the end of the tooth. A dental veneer will also cover up a crack or chip in a tooth.
Enamel might be harder than steel, but it breaks a lot easier, explaining why dental veneers end up the solution to improving looks where teeth have sustained damage. Tooth enamel is predominantly hydroxyapatite. This is the mineral form of calcium phosphate. It ranks as 5 on the Mohs scale of hardness and therefore the hardest biological material. This strength is not enough to protect teeth entirely, though. Thankfully dental cosmetics exist to come to our aid when teeth sustain the kinds of damage that will affect beauty.
What Kind of Look do Veneers Give?
A porcelain veneer is beautifully translucent so that it matches perfectly with human teeth. This gives it a natural look so that it blends in with the teeth that we do not need treatment on. Clients will generally have several teeth veneered at once because invariably there will be many teeth that will have gone the same way. If you are looking at getting this treatment, searching online for a porcelain veneer specialist near you will help you find a dentist who has years of experience and great reviews, ensuring you will get the best results.
It is good to know that a veneer is customized so that it suits a client’s particular needs. Everyone will be customized depending on the reason why the veneer is being applied.
How Long Does it Take to Fit Veneers?
Dental veneers are a quick way to a restoring the beautiful smile I am assuming everyone was once known for. It will only take around 2 weeks to correct several teeth to restore a smile. Treatments can involve between 1 and 3 dental visits on average.
How Strong are Veneers and How Long Do They Last?
Porcelain veneers or covers are very strong and extremely resistant to stains. They are intended to last for at least 10 years when cared for propertly. Just like you would care for your teeth anyway. In many cases, they are lasing for more than 20 years.
Dentists will choose which material they use, whether it be porcelain or composite material, based on the tooth that needs to be covered. Both have the durability needed to maintain your veneers in perfect condition for a long time.
The durability of veneers means that they are a cost-effective cosmetic dental treatment. You cannot put a price on a smile anyway. Then to have it remain for a long time after treatment, makes the procedure well worth undergoing.
Do Veneers Require Any Additional Dental Care?
An advantage of veneers is that they do not require additional tooth care except for the usual brushing that you are doing anyway. As well as the flossing and routine dental checks that you will also be used to. It is just like caring for natural teeth.
Much of what we do with our teeth is preventative. We should take care not to damage them as much as we brush to avoid them decaying. However, it is not always possible, and time has its say too. This, though, is where dental surgeons will come to our aid.
Hopefully the above will give you a better idea about dental veneers so that you know what to expect when it comes to improving the smile that you have perhaps wanted to improve for some time now.