If there’s one thing that pregnant people want, it’s comfort. Unfortunately, wearing your usual clothes throughout your nine months is almost impossible. That’s why maternity clothes exist. They help women look and feel great while carrying a growing human inside them all day, every day. There are enough reasons why pregnancy causes stress and discomfort, but your wardrobe shouldn’t be one of them. However, if you’ve never been pregnant before, or if you were and didn’t have maternity clothing, it can be tricky making the right purchasing choices.

The key with maternity clothes is balance. You want to feel comfortable, but you also want to look your best. There may also be special events or functions that you want to attend, and you can’t just wear baggy tracksuits. You can get maternity evening dresses for hire. The right choices will help empower you to feel confident in your skin and body while in public. Here is a quick guide to show you the dos and don’ts of buying maternity clothing.
Do: Shop at the Right Time For Maternity Clothes
May pregnant women avoid buying maternity wear until they absolutely have to. For one, they feel like they are saving money by not buying new clothes. Others, perhaps out of a sense of vanity, try to keep wearing their normal clothes as long as possible. However, jeans can only stretch so far before the safety pins holding the fly together fail, or the baggy t-shirts stop being so baggy. The fact is, being pregnant is uncomfortable almost from the beginning. So the sooner you get maternity clothes, the sooner you can embrace your new shape and be comfortable all day long.
Don’t: Just Go With Clothes That Are Too Big
In an effort to save money, many people try to get away with wearing oversized regular clothes. Either they have them on hand, borrow from friends, or buy from the discount bin. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that maternity clothes are only very large shirts and pants. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Maternity clothes are made to fit comfortably and to accentuate all the right places while you are pregnant. You can get properly sized leggings, modest maternity dresses, and form-fitting tops that flatter what you’ve got. Baggy or oversized clothes are fine for lounging around the house, but they can’t do what maternity clothes can for your looks or comfort.
Do: Stick To Your Budget
Having enough clothing to get you through your entire pregnancy can be expensive. If you have a budget, then stick to it. It will help you make decisions on what to buy and what to leave on the rack. Remember that you might get pregnant again in the future, at which point you can add to your maternity wardrobe if you need to. You will still have a “pregnancy” body after you give birth, so it’s always a good idea to buy clothes that can work while you are pregnant and that will shrink a little to fit your post-baby body. When the baby comes, you will have a lot of new regular expenses, so it’s always good to spend as much money as possible.
Do: Make Sure You Have Everything You Need
Make sure to include room in your budget for all of the essentials that you will need. This includes at least one bra, a few tops, some jeans, and comfy shoes. Shoes are often overlooked, but the fact is that your feet can swell when pregnant, and your old shoes will no longer be able to do the job.
Breast sizes can fluctuate and grow wildly during pregnancy, so a good adjustable bra is an absolute must. Most maternity pants have an elastic waistband, so buy pairs that can stretch further than you currently have. That way, you can use them for months. Cotton shirts will make things comfortable on days when you are feeling hot.
Don’t: Forget That the Right Fabric is Important
When you are pregnant, your body temperature and shape can change seemingly at a moment’s notice. The best fabrics to have for your maternity clothes allow the body to breathe, even when it is hot. Cotton, bamboo, and models are all great natural choices. Linen maternity clothes are also a great option as they are breathable, easy to wear, and move around in. They are gentle on the skin, so they aren’t itchy, either. Be wary of maternity clothes that advertise themselves as being wrinkle-free. This usually means that they have been treated with formaldehyde to get that non-wrinkled effect. Formaldehyde is dangerous for developing babies, so it should be avoided.
Do: Consider Support For Your Back
As you go through your pregnancy, your belly gets bigger. As it gets bigger and heavier, it can start to pull downwards, which affects your posture and then your back. This can cause pain and discomfort that may not go away after you’ve given birth and started moving towards your former size. When you are buying your maternity clothes earlier on, you might not have any back issues, but you should keep it in mind. There is underwear with belly bands that support your belly and therefore take the pressure off of your back.
Don’t: Be Afraid to Stand Out
Just because you’re pregnant and don’t feel like you have the body you used to, it doesn’t mean you can’t still shine. Don’t be afraid to be bold and to stand out with your maternity wear choices. Go for bold colors and patterns that stand out in a crowd. Patterns on maternity clothes won’t make you look bigger, as they are explicitly designed not to. Have fun and stand out.
As you can see, there is a lot to consider regarding maternity clothing. However, it’s important to remember that just because you are pregnant, it doesn’t mean you can’t be stylish and comfortable. These dos and don’ts will help you do just that.