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In the modern world, data has become more and more important, as we look for innovative ways to interpret data and use this knowledge to develop a range of business solutions. While advanced mathematics plays a critical role in data science, you will need a long list of other skills if you are to make the grade. A genuine love of learning would be considered a must if you are planning to become a data scientist by taking a data science course, and with a flair for formulas, numbers and a high degree of perseverance and determination, you will be expected to play a definitive role in the data science team.
Anyone who is serious about entering into the very specialised field of data science might like to ask themselves, “What do employers look for in data scientist candidates?” Knowing the answer to this question will certainly give you clear goals to aim for, and with that in mind, here are some of the positive attributes and skills a data scientist would possess.
Intellectual Curiosity
It could be said that tanideal data scientist is a person with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, along with a natural curiosity that drives him or her to search for innovative solutions. This natural, intellectual curiosity in the driving force behind every data scientist and is an essential ingredient to success.
Advanced Mathematics
This core subject is the foundation for working with data and if you have a deep understanding and love of mathematics, perhaps a data scientist is an ideal career. Typically, a data scientist would have studied mathematics to Master Degree level, with some going on to PhD status, using their valuable knowledge to help companies make the most out of their data. If your academic background is in computer science or Management Information Systems, data science will not be unfamiliar to you, in fact, many young data scientists have a computing background and with a deep understanding of mathematics and a desire to learn, they make ideal candidates for this challenging career.
Computer Programming Skills
A major part of a data scientist’s work involves writing code and with a sound working knowledge of Java, C++, Perl and Python – a commonly used program in the data mining sector. Working with state of the art analysis software, the data scientist can identify data problem areas that offer maximum benefits to the company. Being able to write and execute complex SQL queries is another essential for a data scientist and such is the importance of writing code, every data scientist would have a good working knowledge of a range of programming languages.
Unstructured Data
Not all data is structured of course, and the data scientist must be able to work with audio, video and social media data, which is often required, and with a few years of independent research experience, the data scientist can work unsupervised on specific blocks of data and report the findings in a clearly understood way.
Stats are also an integral component in the role of a data scientist and you would ned to feel at home with terms like null hypothesis, P-Value and maximum likelihood estimators, all of which play a part in the analysis of statistical data.
Non-Academic Skills
A data scientist is often required to present their findings and having the ability to clearly present data to both fellow scientists and non-technical stakeholders is critical to one’s success. Interpersonal skills come to the fore when the team is planning a project – and you will often be left to your own devices – as other team members get on with their allocated tasks. Teamwork is of course, essential for any data scientist, yet you also have to be able to work alone on specific tasks and report your findings to the team.
Working Towards Team Goals
The data scientist would have firm objectives within a project and has the ability to either be a valuable team player or a work-alone professional. Once team goals have been set, each member works with the other players to achieve realistic goals and by making good use of state of the art software, the data scientist plays a valuable role in achieving the desired result.
If you have a flair for mathematics and enjoy a challenge, data science could well be the ideal career choice and if you possess all of the above qualities, a promising career awaits.