It is a truth universally acknowledged that although tuition may be a college student’s biggest expense, the price of college textbooks will send shivers down anyone’s spine.
After a few months of use, many students will not use these textbooks again, which makes their paying their high prices even more painful. But not anymore-Campus Book Rentals, came up with a great idea of renting college textbooks for the time that they are needed and then returning it, in a prepaid return envelope, once you are done. Rental options vary (semester, quarter and summer rental periods are available) and the clock doesn’t start ticking until the book arrives at your door.
This structured rental period fits the needs of most college students, but if for some reason you cannot return your book back on time, there is a 15 grace period which allows you to hold onto your book to even the wee hours of the morning of the final exam-or even beyond. Their worry free 30 day guarantee allows you to return the book, hassle free, if for example you have decided you drop the class.
The books will arrive on time, and if anything goes wrong with your order their speedy and friendly customer service is there to help. Almost every textbook is available, even for the scariest of subjects such as textbook on Statistics by Robert S. Witte and John S. White. With practically every book available Campus Book Rentals allows students to save their money and splurge on luxuries like food.
Since textbooks in the medical field are among the most costly, take time to study the Medical School Rankings at Guide to Healthcare Schools to know all your options.