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One of the fun aspects of preparing for the arrival of a baby is shopping for everything that is needed to bring up a happy and healthy child. As well as cute clothes outfits, toys and bagfuls of diapers, do not forget your baby’s grooming needs as well as baby care supplements. You should always go for those ones that use only organic ingredients and that have been formulated especially for babies or children.

Some of the must have grooming items for any baby include:
· Baby oil – This has many useful applications, including removing the harmless scalp condition that is cradle cap. Put some on a cotton bud to get rid of any poop that is particularly sticky when changing a diaper. It is not necessary for a baby to be routinely covered in baby oil. One of our favorite products is the Calenda baby oil, which is slightly scented and made from all organic ingredients, leaving your baby’s skin nice and moist. It is ideal for daily use and for baby massages.
· Baby shampoo – Those that come with a tear free formula are ideal as the foam they produce still. There is no need then to worry about your baby not closing their eyes properly when being bathed. One of our favorite products is the Calenda shampoo, which not only cleans but also leaves your baby’s hair really easy to comb, thanks to the use of natural essential oils. It is perfect for newborns as it is extra gentle on the eyes.
· Baby bath soap or liquid – What you want here is a product that has few ingredients as possible. One such example is the Calendula soap bar, which softly cleans and soothes the most delicate baby skin types. It includes organic essential oils that maintain a natural amount of moisture in the skin.
· Skincare ointments – It is always best to get the recommendation of a licensed healthcare practitioner, at least to start off with. One of our favorite products is the Grahams Natural Kids eczema ointment. It has been specially formulated for children and babies to provide relief for dermatitis, eczema, itching, and dry skin. The ointment is both parabens and fragrance free, and does not have a greasy texture. Read ScratchSleeves’ article about eczema in newborn babies to know if that is what your baby has currently.
· Baby friendly sunscreen – A sun hat can only do so much in protecting a baby’s delicate skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Therefore, those parts of the body that cannot be covered by clothes should have sunscreen applied to them. One of our favorite products is W.S. Badger Company’s baby sunscreen cream. It helps to prevent sun burn thanks to its Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 and should be reapplied every 40 minutes, or sooner if your baby is sweating or gets wet.
All of these products should be stored on either a high up shelf or a locked cupboard, where a child would be unable to access them. After all, your baby will be crawling around and exploring everything sooner than you realize.