Being pregnant is so fun! I love the anticipation of waiting for baby’s arrival. I often think about what baby will look like, holding her in my arms, etc…I am also the type of person that likes to be really prepared for when baby arrives. It is so nice to be prepared :) So I want to share with you my ten tips for preparing your home for your new baby’s arrival.
1. Nursery– Of course you will need a room for baby. I love choosing the theme for the nursery and then finding decor items that fit in the theme. You will want a crib for sure. A dresser. A changing table is always nice, and a rocking chair (that reclines) is a must have for those feeding sessions during the night. Once I get baby’s room all ready, I just love going in there to see where sweet little baby will soon be.
2. Stock up on supplies. Diapers, wipes, ointments, lotions, medicines, etc…You will definitely want to have these items on hand once baby arrives. There are many natural products for baby. Seventh Generation has a great selection of natural products for baby, wipes, diapers, laundry detergent, and more.
3. Baby Proof– I know baby doesn’t arrive crawling around, but she will be soon enough. So I like to baby proof now and avoid any accidents. You will want all the outlets covered, baby gate for the stairs, locks for cabinets and drawers, and take care of any other hazards.
4. Plan Meals– Even though you are in the hospital your family is still going to need to eat. If your home is anything like mine then mom being gone means fast food or eating out. I like to make and freeze meals so that they can just warm them up and viola, easy homemade dinner for the family. It is nice to have enough meals to not only feed your family while your in the hospital but also for the week or so after you get home. An easy way to do this is to double a meal you are already making and then you can freeze half.
5. Clothing– I just love picking out little tiny clothes. It may actually be an addiction. I just can’t get enough of these adorable little outfits. I like to have all the clothes for baby all hung up in the closet and put in the drawers. It is so fun to imagine baby wearing them 🙂
6. Prepare Siblings– It is important that all the family members are ready for baby’s arrival. It can be an exciting time for siblings. It is really important that you get them ready for baby to come home. Especially with younger children. Take the time to explain to them exactly what will happen. How babies cry, to be soft and gentle with them, etc…Buying a baby doll to teach them how to be gentle with baby is a great thing to do. Once baby arrives make sure you take the time to spend with each of your other kids one on one. This will let them know they are still important to you and avoid baby resentment.
7. Car Seat– This really shouldn’t be this low on my list 😉 You of course will want an infant car seat on hand for baby’s arrival. It would be awful if you had to send your hubby on a last minute shopping trip for a car seat and have absolutely no say in which one you get (at least the control freak in me thinks it would be awful). Take the time to research the best car seats, not only for safety but also what is best for you. A great resource are reviews on consumer sites like Amazon. You can read real customer reviews and find out what other parents like or dislike about particular car seats.
8. Stroller– It will be easy to carry baby in the infant seat while she weighs 7 lbs. but once she gets bigger you will need a stroller. I suggest finding one that is compatible with your infant car seat. Another important thing to look for is a stroller that can grow with baby and last a long time so you won’t have to buy another once she gets bigger.
9. Clean House– My house isn’t always clean and tidy (far from it) but as I get closer to my due date I try to make sure that each day my house is nice and clean, that way when I go to have the baby I’m not leaving my family in a house that is in utter chaos.
10. Hospital Bag– Make sure you have a hospital bag packed in case you have to rush out the door. Make sure you have everything you will need for your hospital stay for both you and baby. Don’t forget a nursing pillow (I forgot this when I had Bug and wished I would have had it).
I love knowing that I am all ready for baby to arrive. It gives me great peace of mind and comfort. As moms we can help each other out by sharing our little secrets of preparedness. I would love to hear your tips on preparing as well, please share.
About Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment. Established in 1988, the Burlington, Vermont based company remains an independent, privately-held company distributing products to natural food stores, supermarkets, mass merchants, and online retailers across the United States and Canada.
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