Tegu Magnetic Wooden Toys ~ Hatch Mobility Block Set Review
At Tegu we believe creativity and imagination are a child’s best friend; when combined, they yield remarkable results. After all, who hasn’t felt the joy of fighting the imaginary dragon with that mighty sword forged from an old paper towel tube? Who’s never leapt from couch to couch to avoid the burning hot lava bubbling from the floor? Who’s never turned a box into an elaborate dollhouse? It’s this creativity and imagination…
My boys love anthing with wheels. It truly amazes me how instictive it was for them, even as really little babies to be attracted and amazed by cars. They were super excited to test out the Tegu Hatch mobility block set. Tegu is a great brand of super fun magnetic building blocks. I mean really, what kid doesn’t love blocks? And add some magnets, and you’ve got one fantabulous toy. “With 10 classic Tegu blocks, a signature magnetic styling top, and 4 magnetic wooden wheels, Hatch is a member of the Compact Line of Tegu Mobility. Deconstruct Hatch and click the wheels on and off to create any number of mobile creations. Magnetic connections make racing and crashing as fun as building. Hatch integrates seamlessly with the existing line of Tegu blocks.”
They loved putting it together and taking it apart. They needed a little help from me at first, then they were able to figure it out. They were having a blast. We love wooden toys in our house, and I love that they will last us for years. I am definitely thinking of adding to their Tegu collection for Christmas.
Makes a great gift for any boy or girl for any occasion!
15% Off + Free Shipping + No Taxes. To celebrate Tax-Free Week in Connecticut, Tegu is offering 15% off, free shipping, and no taxes when you use code TEGUTAXFREE at checkout. Sale ends Saturday Aug. 25th. Taxes still apply for orders shipped to California
Tegu products are conceived in the best laboratory – the classrooms and playrooms of children
Tegu Magnetic Wooden Toys ~ Hatch Mobility Block Set gets Bragging Rights!
About Joanna
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.