Social Media Needs a Big Fat Internet Eraser™
“A 16-year-old daughter came to her dad, rattled after a close friend became the t
In his attempt to help his daughter’s friend, and concerned that this could easily happen to his own children, the girl’s dad was determined to find a way to undo the negative social media posting. He was stunned to realize the technology to remove regretted social media postings simply didn’t exist. The need for such a tool was obvious and BackPeddle would soon be the answer.”
BackPeddle is that Internet Eraser that you always wished you had. It is a social media photo sharing application that allows you to completely delete anything that has been posted on social media sites. With the push of a button in BackPeddle, you can take back images, texts, posts, audio, private messages, and videos that you no longer want people to see. And you can do this even if other people have re-posted your content!! Do
How BackPeddle Works
- • The free app can be downloaded in the iTunes store and Google Play
- • Users then create a personal profile in the BackPeddle app
- • Peddler friends can be added through Facebook, phone contacts and by manual search
- • Photos can be taken through the app or uploaded from the phone gallery
- • Users can choose to upload and share photos, videos and audios deciding whether to share them with the world, only with their friends or sharing to other social media sites
- • An expiration date for photos and videos can be set for hours, days, or even months later
- • Videos and audios can be up to 30 seconds long
- • Photos and videos can be removed from all shared platforms with the single push of a button
- • All content that has been forwarded, re-tweeted or reposted is removed when a BackPeddle expiration date is set
- • In-app text messages up to 160 characters can be sent to friends viewable for specific lengths of time
- • In-app instant messages can only be viewed by holding two fingers on the screen and for an amount of time specified by the sender
- • Users receive a notification when someone tries to take a screenshot of both posts and messages
Like any new social media website, it took me a while to get use to the set-up of the BackPeddle App. After I
I hope I never post anything to social media sites that I will later regret, but the BackPeddle App is still really useful for me. I advertise fitness groups each month and I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to continue receiving interest even after the group has already started. With BackPeddle, I can make sure my advertisements are deleted once I am no longer accepting people into the group. Sure makes my life easier!
The BackPeddle App gets BRAGGING RIGHTS!!