Unfortunately, she never quit. Her dentist told us now that she is four years old, we need to CRACK DOWN!! So I started looking for ways on how to stop thumb sucking that would actually work. That is when I came across the Handaid.
7 Reasons Why Handaid is the Best!
- HANDAID is 100% safe for your child. Because of it’s patented design, your child’s thumb never makes it into their mouth. Most other thumb-sucking cures are designed to be uncomfortable “in” the mouth. Most are molded from vinyl plastics which are now known to emit unsafe toxins.
- Each HANDAID is custom made for each individual child based on their wrist size, their weight and their exact age. This custom-fit help ensure their success because it is comfortable on the hand.
- Unlike most thumb-sucking devices, your child is unable to remove the HANDAID due to a specially designed closure. This is key because if the child can remove any thumb-sucking device by themselves; it will be ineffective when they are out of site. This feature helps speed up the therapeutic process.
- It’s painless. We took every effort to make sure that HANDAID worked without causing any pain or discomfort to your child.
- HANDAID does not impede the use of your child’s hand. This is so important because the other devices cover the entire thumb. Your child loses the use of their thumb and, in many cases, the entire hand making it an intrusion that is very hard for your child to adjust to. Again, this speeds up the therapeutic process because HANDAID is less of a distraction.
- HANDAID addresses both daytime and nighttime thumb-sucking. During the day your child sucks their thumb when they are bored or fatigued. The mere presence of HANDAID will keep their hand away from their mouth. At night, your child sucks their thumb for a totally different reason. Thumb-sucking during sleep time takes your child to a very secure place where they “can” fall asleep. They have to learn that they can achieve that security without thumb-sucking. HANDAID makes this a confidence building accomplishment for them.
- We even let you choose a skin-tone color so that HANDAID is less noticeable to others, therefore, less embarrassing for older children that may be attending school or daycare.
So basically, this stop thumbsucking device is kind of like a glove but without fingers—except for the thumb. They are closed with a little screw-on closure that my child can’t unscrew as long as we close it tightly. It is made out of a soft leather-like material that is comfortable for her while she is sleeping and doesn’t get in the way. It isn’t comfortable for her to suck her thumb with this thumb guard on so she isn’t tempted.
My daughter has been wearing the Handaid for about a month. She doesn’t have to wear it during the day, because she is only a night-time thumb sucker. It is working! I have forgotten to put it on her a couple of times and on those days, I haven’t caught her sucking her thumb when I go into wake her up! I think we will let her wear it for a couple more weeks and then we let her go
Things that are BRAG WORTHY:
- Comfortable for your child to wear
- Safe for your child
- Simple to use
- Allows your child to wear it during the day….even to school!
- Custom made to fit your child’s hand
The Handaid gets BRAGGING RIGHTS!!!
I am so happy with the Handaid! It is a great way to stop thumb sucking in any child! Visit kidshandaid.com to see for yourself why this really works.