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It would be fair to say that staycations have been well and truly on the rise over recent years. Particularly in the current environment, one can only assume that this is a concept that is going to continue to grow.

Like any holiday, there are certain pointers to take into account if you are traveling with kids. Chances are, you aren’t going to have the beach, warm sea and a hotel pool by your side – it means that you will sometimes have to think outside of the box and keep a few extra points in mind when you are traveling with the family.
This is the whole point behind today’s article, as we take a look at some of the key pieces of action you need to take if you are attempting a staycation with the family.
Location, location, location
It’s a cliché that is often associated with the property industry, but few would disagree that the old saying of location, location, location is relevant for travel as well.
When it comes to a staycation, this is something that is even more important for families. Sure, if you opt for the wrong location as a couple, you can make the most of it and perhaps travel to nearby areas on a daily basis. When kids are involved, such flexibility is difficult, and you need to therefore conduct plenty of research before you book your local getaway.
This doesn’t necessarily revolve around the whole area as well, but it even goes as granular as the hotel. Whether you are staying in Coventry, Liverpool or London, find out how far the hotel is from the local attractions that are ultimately going to make your getaway tick.
Remember the tourist seasons
You might not be on an exotic island, but that doesn’t mean to say that you are not a tourist. On the contrary, staycations still have rules for tourists and one of the key ones that you need to follow is making sure that you have got your dates in order.
For example, in the UK, a lot of attractions shut down in the middle of winter. They might only be open for half a year and suffice to say, without a beach or any warm weather to rely on, this can be something of a showstopper.
Again, it’s all about doing your research and ensuring that you have chosen the right place and time to go on your staycation.
You need to think further outside the box
Chances are, you’re not going to be heading to a Disney World-esque destination. It might be enjoyable in its own respects, but this might not be as obvious to children. For example, it might contain acres and acres of forests that need to be explored, but billing this as “hikes” to little minds is unlikely to be met very kindly.
Instead, you need to think outside the box. In the above example it might be about creating some form of “forest adventure”, or something else to get little minds thinking. Again, you don’t necessarily have man-made attractions on your doorstep, so this is where you have to take over and make the most of local beauty.