“This holiday season, 1-800-Flowers.com has teamed up with DailyFeats in rewarding you for every positive action you check in at www.DailyFeats.com.
Earn enough rewards and cash in for prizes, like a 1-800-Flowers.com savings pass.
DailyFeats is a new online social platform for people to share the positive actions, or the feats, that they do. With valued partners like 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, DailyFeats’ goal is to help people improve their lives via simple but meaningful feats that benefit the body, mind, home and community.
DailyFeats awards points for the feats people do and share, which can then be redeemed for rewards, savings and gifts from leading local and national brands. Doing good and spreading cheer is easy, fun and rewarding at DailyFeats.”
I am loving !dailyfeats. There are so many positive things to do in life and this is a fun way to keep track of them. From exercising to helping a friend in need, to eating fresh fruits and veggies. You can earn points for positive feats you do in your everyday life. Then you can cash them in for coupons and gift cards like 1-800 Flowers, Toys R US, Staples and more! I decided to send an All Wrapped Up Holiday arrangement from 1-800 Flowers.com to my mother in law. I can’t wait to see how much she loves it! And for doing this I got 10 points with the !Spreadcheer feat!
Check out www.dailyfeats.com and start earning points for your daily feats!
*I was able to send a Christmas arrangement from 1-800 Flowers.com for posting about my dailyfeats.com experience.