I attended an advanced screening for my review. All opinions are my own.
“Based on Michael Ausiello’s best-selling memoir “Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies,” the film is a heartwarming, funny and life-affirming story of how Michael and Kit’s relationship is transformed and deepened when one of them falls ill.”

I have been fan of tv critic Michael Ausiello for a long time. I was excited to see that his book Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies, based on his own life story with his husband Kit, was becoming a film. I really enjoyed this movie.
I really enjoyed the acting in this movie. I thought that the whole ensemble was great. I enjoyed Jim Parson as Michael and I loved Sally Field as Kit’s mother, Marilyn. Ben Aldridge was fantastic as Kit. He was charismatic and had the stand out performance, for me, in the film.

I loved the storyline of the film. At the beginning of the film, you know how the story is going to end. This made everything that builds up to the moment more meaningful. You really get invested in the love story of the 2 leads. I liked that the movie not only showed the good things in their relationship, but also the hard times and the imperfections. It made the story more relatable and realistic.
Make sure you take tissues to this film. There are lots of laughs in the film, but it also tears you apart emotionally, especially if you have seen a loved one go through cancer treatments. I cried a lot and needed lots of tissues!

This movie is PG-13 “for sexual content, drug use, and thematic elements.” It deserves this rating. There are a couple of sex scenes, sequences in a bar, drug use (marijuana), and some language. I would recommend this film for older teens and adults.
Overall, I loved Spoiler Alert for its acting and heart wrenching love story. I can recommend it and will watch it again.
Spoiler Alert gets bragging rights!

Spoiler Alert is now playing in theaters!
For more information about the movie, you can visit Spoiler Alert’s official website, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.