Smart baby monitors are a popular item on any baby preparation list. Giving parents the opportunity to both see and hear their baby while they are in another room, smart baby monitors are worth the additional cost. An improvement on a standard baby monitor is the live video option with a smart baby monitor – think security camera for your baby. Parents can utilize this fantastic feature by connecting the baby monitor to an app on their smartphone.

There are so many smart baby monitors on the market currently that it can become overwhelming to shop for one. We have highlighted some of the features to look out for to help you to decide which is the smart baby monitor for you.
Where to Start
When beginning to shop for smart baby monitors, it is important to have a list of features that you require to help you to narrow down the options. Searching for smart baby monitors in a search engine or on shopping sites will bring you too many results, so a narrowed field is beneficial.
As we have said, you can choose a smart baby monitor that connects to your smartphone, meaning you can have instant access to the feed at your fingertips. Some of the available models allow you to use the app to view the feed when not in the same location, so if you are leaving your child overnight with a sitter, you can check in on them from where you are. Alternatively, you can purchase a model with an external feed screen and an app.
Models of smart cameras by Hubble Connected to your account can be viewed on an external screen and in the app. This leaves your phone free in the evening and means you do not need to have your phone on all night to check the monitor. The external screen also allows you to view your child when you wake during the night without using the battery on your cell phone.
Comparisons Help
Using comparison sites or shopping sites that allow you to compare features is a great first step. If you are able to compare the features of several models of smart baby monitors, you will see quickly which models will suit your needs. You can also use a comparison site to see which models are the best value for certain features.
Comparing certain models will allow you to create a shortlist of the models you are interested in. Once you have the shortlist, we recommend you begin reading reviews. To ensure that you read a variety of reviews, you should look at several sites. We always read reviews on the sites we are shopping on but then search for the model and reviews in a search engine to find others.
Reviews are an excellent way to find out the truth of how the smart monitor works in practice from others who have used it. It is not always easy to know from a website description how a product will perform with repeated use.