So it is a new year! I can’t believe how fast 2010 flew by. I feel like I blinked and it was gone. My little Bug is growing up so fast I can’t believe another year has passed. Sometimes I wish I could just stop time or at least slow it down. I really feel like I never have enough time in my day. So I got to thinking about the simple changes I can make to make my everyday life better and have more time with my family. I came up with 3 simple changes I can implement to achieve my goal.
1. Have a schedule. My days tend to be chaotic. I find myself working to much, not spending enough time with Bug, and neglecting household chores. I have decided to start scheduling out my days. That way I won’t find myself spending to much time on one particular activity. I know I won’t always be able to stick to my schedule but it gives me a focus and goals for the day. I will sit down each Sunday and make a schedule for the week. I will print it off and hang one on my bulletin board above my desk and one on my fridge downstairs.
2. Pre-make Dinners. I often find myself scrambling at the last minute to put dinner together for my family, or resorting to eating out. I have a lot more free time on the weekends so…I am going to start making meals on Saturday and freezing them for the week. As I started looking for recipes I was surprised by how many options there are for make ahead meals. You can also cook your meat and then freeze it, making it super fast and easy to add to dinner. I know my family is going to appreciate this change and the yummy homemade dinners that will come from it.
3. Saturday is Cleaning Day. As much as I hated that when I was growing up…my mom was on to something. We all had to pitch in each Saturday morning to get the house organized and clean. This is something that I am going to start implementing because like I said before, I have more time on the weekends. Another plus, is my hubby is home to help with the cleaning :) All the mess and clutter seems to pile up during the week while we are all busy. If we always take the time to get it fixed each week it won’t turn into a natural disaster. (That has been known to happen at my house, on more than one occasion!)
I am so excited to start implementing these simple changes. I know they are going to make 2011 so much better for me and my family. I would love to hear what simple changes you come up with, please share!
Since the launch of Simply Orange in 2001, we have been making orange juice simple, the way nature intended. Our not-from-concentrate orange juice never has water, sugar or preservatives added and is gently pasteurized to ensure that you always get a fresh-squeezed taste experience. Headquartered in Apopka, Florida, the Simply Orange Juice Company is also proud of the approach we take with our other great-tasting 100% juices and juice drinks. For more information, visit
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*I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Simply Orange® blogging program. If I am one of the first 65 blogs received by SocialsMoms, I will receive a $25 Target gift card and a gift pack that includes a Simply Orange® cooler bag and logoed fleece.