Mustering up the courage to travel solo for the first time? Still confused whether you should go with a luxury trip or just a bare-essential one? Why not choose something in the middle? Who said that a budget-friendly trip outside of Toronto should just be a tale of rags? The following tips can help you out. You can still enjoy a great solo vacation without spending too much or breaking the bank. Let’s see how to go about it:

1. Open Up A New Bank Account
Opening up a new bank account for your travel expenses could help you out. Every time you get paid, make sure to add a little bit of money into the account and keep it separate to be used only when you travel. This way you don’t end up overspending.
2. Say Goodbye To Coffee For A While
You love Starbucks. But on this vacation try to steer away from expensive coffee houses. A “decent” cup of coffee over there is going to cost you around $7 at least. That is the kind of expense you can live without, especially on this vacation.
3. Learn A Few Recipes
It couldn’t be too hard to learn a few recipes that you can cook all by yourself. A decent homemade meal should cost you way less than a Starbucks coffee and it will take not more than 20 to 30 minutes to prepare. Make oats and fresh vegetables a staple in your diet whenever you wish to keep within your budget. You may choose to go out two times every week and splurge as much as you want. If you have any leftover food, get it packed for yourself. It is never a good habit to waste food.
4. Choose Affordable Parking Services
So, you drove your car to the airport. The ideal thing to do would be to pick an off-site spot for Parking near Toronto Pearson right away. Such a service may cost you a fraction of what you would pay for the airport parking slot. Doesn’t sound like a bad deal at all, does it? If you look at their security, it is up to the mark and neck to neck with airport security measures. Plus, you also get a valet service and instant assistance with your luggage, commuting to the hotel, and more.
5. Cut Down On Frivolous Shopping
You can do much better without that shopping list of yours. Leave it behind if you want to remain within your budget. Frivolous shopping is the biggest reason why many solo travelers end up broke by the time they are done with their trip.
6. Use Public Transport
Using public transport is a great way to save money. Forget about private taxis and other transport services that are available on your smartphone. Public transport can be a lot of fun because it also allows you to discover the local culture and get closer to the people around you.
7. Avoid Using A Credit Card
If you can, avoid using a credit card too frequently. Choose a travel credit card instead which offers you discounts and cashback on various purchases.
Traveling solo and a little further than usual from Toronto (for a change) could be a lot of fun. When you know that you are going to enjoy the place and that too without spending too much, you have a feeling of contentment within you. You are all set for your next affordable solo trip. So, where is it going to be?