Now more than ever many families are doing what they can to save money. For some this has meant carpooling to work, for others it’s cutting down on date nights. Others are finding themselves cutting coupons and searching for bargains whenever they head to the grocery store. Everyone is looking for a way to stretch their dollar a little father but many are looking to see where they can trim their budget without looking at one of the places where they can save the most, their home.

Home Sweet Home
Our homes are our sanctuary from the world. The place where we are able to rest, relax, and take a break from the craziness of the world. However, the average person only spends about 14 of their 24 hours a day in their home and of those 14 hours, the average person spends about 7 sleeping. Our homes while a refuge from the outside world can drain electricity and your wallet without you even realizing it. Here are some of the ways to help make your home more energy efficient, immediately saving you money.
Windows and Doors
When you stand by your windows and doors do any of the following happen?
- You can feel a draft
- You notice cracked or missing caulk around your windows
- The weatherstripping around your door is cracked or missing
- The sweep stop on the bottom of your door is missing
If any of the above are things that you are noticing, then most likely air is escaping your home and outside air is coming in. In the winter that means you are spending more to keep your house warm when cold air creeps in, and in the summer your air conditioning is going overtime to keep your house cool. Simply replacing the weather stripping on exterior doors can help protect from drafts. For windows, things can be a little bit more complicated but acrylic caulk and weatherstripping can keep your windows weathertight. It may seem expensive at about seventy five dollars a window but without properly sealing windows you could be spending twenty dollars more each winter heating your home.
Install a Programmable Thermostat
Since so many people spend their time commuting, at jobs, and sleeping, there are a lot of times that you aren’t actively using your home. For many, the option is between leaving their house cold or leaving the thermostat cranked up all day. By buying a programmable thermostat, you are no longer only relying on those two options. The thermostat can make the following things possible.
- In the winter keeping the home cool during the parts of the day no one needs the heat
- In the summer keeping the air conditioner from working overtime when no one is home to need it
- Creating a schedule that will have the perfect temperature ready when you walk in the door
- Some models even create smart settings, giving recommendations on how you can tweak settings to increase energy conservation and savings
Replacing or Improving Lighting
Most homes are using old and outdated bulbs and lighting fixtures. While it can be time consuming to switch out all lightbulbs in a home and garage the benefits can be great. New lighting options are incredibly energy efficient and offer many benefits. LED lights are great options for interior lighting because they offer the following benefits over conventional lighting:
- Bulbs last longer
- Bulbs are more durable
- LED lights offer greater safety in homes
- LED’s are more energy efficient
When considering that about one third of a home’s monthly electric bill comes from lighting, it makes sense why switching up bulbs and fixtures can help.
How an Idaho Falls Electrician can Help
If you are looking to turn your home into a more energy efficient version of itself and can’t wait to start saving money, feel free to contact your Idaho Falls Electrician. A licensed electrician is a master at identifying areas in a home that can be updated and can help take the hassle out of any DIY projects that you don’t feel capable of doing. Chances are your friendly local electrician can also point out other ways you can save money that you weren’t even aware of.