Garlic works as an enhancer in many dishes, and the better the garlic is, the more its taste will develop in the main dish. If you’re looking for the best ways on how to store garlic and keep it fresh for a long time, read this article.

The source of the garlic matters immensely to preserve it in your kitchen. Organic and good-quality garlic will remain fresh for longer and taste better even after months.
How to Store Garlic for Longer
Garlic doesn’t grow throughout the year, and you can’t find fresh produce locally. So, make sure your garlic is preserved and stored ideally to stay fresh for longer. Excessive moisture build-up can rotten the produce, so keep it dry.
Store the garlic in a cool, dark, and dry place to prevent it from becoming shriveled and rotting. Some places you can use are a dark cupboard, pantry, or even a wine cellar.
Refrain from putting the garlic in an airtight container or plastic bag since this can increase moisture and lead to mold growth. Materials like mesh ensure breathability and help retain the freshness of the garlic. Good-quality garlic can be stored for up to 90 days without losing its flavor or texture.
Prepare Garlic for Storage
Once the garlic comes to your kitchen, ensure that any plastic wrapping or stickers that come on it are removed. Keep the whole garlic intact when you’re storing it, as separating the cloves can cause it to go bad faster.
Garlic doesn’t need to be washed and dried, so you can directly start storing it. Sprouted garlic has the same flavor and texture as regular garlic but can go bad quickly if not consumed within a few days. If the garlic has sprouted, find alternative methods to keep it fresh by using it in different dishes.
Various Methods to Keep Garlic Fresh
When you’re looking to extend the shelf-life of fresh garlic, you can make a variety of dishes that can enable it to be stored longer and still retain its taste. You can dehydrate the garlic that can make the taste stronger and more pungent.
Garlic can also be roasted and stored in an airtight container to keep in your fridge or freezer. Roasted garlic tastes great in various dishes, including soup, roasted vegetables, or you can even eat it raw.
You could also make pesto and different kinds of marinades that can be stored in your fridge or freezer for weeks when you’re looking to extend the life of the fresh garlic. Mincing the garlic in a food processor and storing it in the freezer can retain the freshness and strong taste for months.
Keep the Garlic Tasting Optimal Through Various Ways
There are many ways to follow if you wonder how to store garlic properly. Most methods don’t require any time-intensive efforts, and you can have fresh garlic for up to three months.
If you’re looking for ways to store black garlic properly, you may need to refer to other sources as black garlic is fermented and has a different storage process. Buy garlic from a trusted source offering fresh and organic produce. The better cultivation methods used during the growth of the crop, the better tasting it will be when it arrives at your doorstep.