Rise of the Guardians is an epic adventure that tells the story of a group of heroes – each with extraordinary abilities. When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world. — (C) Official Site
I was so excited to see this movie! I loved the concept of all the holiday and important childhood characters being together in one film. I absolutely loved this movie! It is a perfect movie for the whole family to see this holiday season.
There were a lot of things that I liked about this movie. The animation was wonderful. My favorite was the animation done for Sandman. His character is mute and he makes pictures with sand to express his feelings. Also, he travels using his sand. One moment, the sand will be a cloud, the next he will be riding on a stingray. It was really cool. Jack Frost’s frost was also very detailed and gorgeous to look at. All around, the animation was top notch. There are also some very creative and great action scenes in the film.
The voice cast was excellent. You can tell that they all were having a great time making this movie. The big surprise was Alec Baldwin as North (or Santa Claus). In this movie, North has a Russian accent. You could not even tell it was Baldwin. He transformed his voice completely for this role. I am also a huge Hugh Jackman fan and loved him as Bunny. He gets to use his actual Australian accent.
This movie also had a great villain. Jude Law was the voice actor for Pitch, the Boogeyman. He was creepy just as you would expect the Boogeyman to be. Pitch is a well developed character but he may be scary for some kids.
This is a great movie for the whole family to see! Not only will the kids like it, but mom and dad will like it too! I loved this movie and will be seeing it again!
Rise of the Guardians gets bragging rights!
Rise of the Guardians is now playing in theaters everywhere. You can see it in 3D or in 2D. For more information about the movie, you can go to the Rise of the Guardians movie website.