Rain is considered as a sign of blessing and good luck, but what if it starts pouring on your moving day? Though you would love to have blessings of Mother Nature on your moving day, it may create a lot of confusion in your otherwise planned event. No matter how much you like rain, you would not want it on your moving day. If it is raining on your moving day then it will be a disaster more than a blessing. As per the best long distance movers, even a little downpour can cause enough trouble; however, a heavy rainstorm can lead to a totally disastrous move.

Along with keeping your belongings safe, you will also have to keep yourself safe from any injuries and accidents as the risk of the same will be higher in rains. So what to do if rain comes as a surprise on your moving day? Moving on a rainy day may sound impossible and hard but here are some tips and tricks that you can use to have a safe and untroubled move even on a rainy day.
General Packing Precautions
Always consider checking the weather forecast for your moving day and pre-prepare yourself for the rain. Pack your stuff smartly especially if there is a rain forecast on a moving day. It is wise to take some precautions beforehand no matter what the weather is. Waterproofing all your packed material will keep it from any damage no matter what the weather is.
Cardboard Boxes:
Make sure you are using good-quality cardboard boxes and not the used ones. Prefer using cardboard boxes that are specifically designed for moving. Using old boxes may damage your belongings as they are often worn out due to multiple uses. Once you have packed the cardboard boxes, make sure you secure them with several layers of plastic sheet and tape. You can also consider putting your stuff in plastic bags before putting them in a cardboard box. This will double ensure the safety of your goods.
Also, always lift the boxes from the bottom to keep them safe and don’t place them on any wet surfaces.
Plastic Bins: You can also use plastic bins in place of cardboard boxes as they can provide better protection from water. All your belongings will remain safe and dry even if it is raining heavily. Make sure you choose plastic bins with lids for the job.
Use Garbage bags: A rainy moving day may come as a surprise and not being prepared for it is totally understandable. Arranging some garbage bags to do the needful will be a quick fix to this problematic situation. Trash bags can protect your smaller goods easily and can be used to cover already packed cardboards. Simply cut open the sides of the trash bags to make them a single sheet and wrap the cardboards with those sheets. Make sure you wrap all your paper items, books, and small containers in trash bags.
Shrink Wraps: Most moving companies provide shrink wraps to cover heavy and big furniture items. Make sure you confirm with your mover if they are providing this facility and if you will have to pay extra or it is included in the moving expenses.
Moving Supplies: Include some precautionary supplies ready even if you are not expecting rain on your moving day. Keep a pair of rain suits, umbrellas, and rain boots handy to keep you safe from any sudden weather changes.
Tumble Dry Each Box in the Truck: Once your packed stuff is loaded in the truck, make sure your tumble dry each one with a dry towel. You may have to arrange a few towels for this that you can definitely clean after the move.
Reach Your New Home Before the Movers: Make sure you reach your new house before your movers so that you can make arrangements for a safe unload. A few simple steps can save you from a chaotic move. Keep a welcome mat or rug at the front door to wipe feet before entering the house. This will keep the mud away and the house a little cleaner than expected on a rainy day. Turn up the heat in the home to remove moisture from the air.
Unload Boxes at One Place: Unload all the boxes in one place to keep other parts of the house clean. You can later move the boxes to their respective rooms. A garage is the best place to keep these boxes for some time.
Stay Safe: Make sure you take all the precautionary measures for your personal safety. As most of the surfaces become slick on a rainy day so consider covering soft surfaces with cardboards or rugs. Be conscious while using staircases as it gets risky climbing wet stairs. Watch your steps! And, preferably wear waterproof shoes or shoes with non-slid soles. Wear the right clothing for the day that should be light and water-resistant.
Along with all the other precautions, make sure you do not rush things as you are dealing with heavy stuff in wet weather.