Skin cancer is the most popular in the country. The current statistics assert that for every five people, one will develop skin cancer in their life. The question is why is skin cancer so common in the country? Are people not aware of the consequences? Or are there limited centers for screening? To address some of these issues, skin cancer screenings Fort Worth have been embraced and emphasized by healthcare providers. When you visit a screening center, you should ask your provider the following questions to be well-equipped with the procedure.

What Is Skin Cancer Screening?
A skin cancer screening is an examination conducted on your skin to check your skin moles and birthmarks, which are rare in color, shape, texture, and size. In the USA, it is the most popular type of cancer.
What Is the Role of Screening?
Healthcare providers utilize skin screening to evaluate any possible signs of skin cancer but not to diagnose cancer. If you are suspected of having skin cancer once screening has been performed, a test known as biopsy is necessary to determine if you have cancer.
Why Do You Need Screening?
In most cases, you may have particular risk factors, so it is advisable to go for screening. Some of the risk factors may include:
· Blond or red hair
· Sunburns history
· Light skin tone
· A large amount of moles
· Repetitive exposure to the sun
What Happens During Skin Cancer Screening?
You, a dermatologist, and a healthcare provider may undertake the process. If you carry out the testing yourself, you should ensure you do a head-to-toe skin examination. The process should be executed in a good room in front of a full-length mirror. The entire process requires around 10 -15 minutes.
What Do the Outcomes Illustrate?
If you are diagnosed with cancer, you can effectively commence treatment. If your mark or mole in your skin seems like a sign of cancer, your practitioner carries another test known as biopsy to diagnose the issue. During the process, the skin sample is evaluated under a microscope to look for cancer cells.
What Are the Types of Skin Cancer That Need Screenings?
If you do not know which type of skin cancer you have, consult your provider for advice on the best solution. These options include:
· Melanoma: it is the most lethal type as it spreads faster compared to all patients
· Basal cell Carcinoma: it mainly occurs when you are exposed to sunshine for too long.
· Squamous Cell Carcinoma: it grows deep into your skin, causing disfigurement.
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays increases the chances of skin cancer. However, you can reduce exposure to the sun and aid decrease the risk of skin cancer if you adhere to simple precautions when you go out.
If you do not take care, based on your lifestyle, and pay attention to exposure, you are at greater risk of skin cancer. If you are looking for a center to receive screening, consider choosing Northstar Dermatology in North Richlands Hills and Fort Worth, TX. The center comprises skilled and experienced specialists in screening services using advanced methods. Visit their offices today to stay safe from skin cancer.