If your kid is going to be heading off to college soon, then it’s important that they are prepared for this. As a parent, it’s your job to encourage and support them on this journey, ensuring that they have everything they need to be successful. But, preparing for college starts long before the summer before they leave as there is so much to do.
In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the different things that you’re going to need to do, and encourage your child to do in order to be ready for when college rolls around. It might seem like a daunting list, but we promise you that it’s far easier to get through than you might think, especially if both of you are dedicated to having the best time possible. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Choosing A College
The first thing that we’re going to be talking about is choosing a college. Now, your kid may have already done this and already sent in their application, it depends on when you’re reading this. However, if they haven’t and it’s still something that needs to be done then it might be quite stressful for them. The applications for college are no joke, and they require a lot to be put into them. References are needed, they need to write a personal essay for a lot of the applications and the topics can vary depending on the school that they are applying to and so much more.
They need to look at the different colleges, the courses that they offer, where it is, the tuition and so much more in order to be able to make a decision. If you take a look with them, you can help them by looking at things that are important to them. By this, we mean that if they give you a list of things that are important to them in college, having two eyes looking is better than one.
During the choosing process, we recommend visiting as many of the potential colleges as possible so that you can get a feel for the place. It might sound silly, but you know that when you’re there in person you can get a vibe for the place that you just won’t be able to feel if you don’t check it out.
Applying For Funding
You’re also going to need to help them apply for funding if you are not able to cover the full tuition. If you can cover part of it, make sure that they know how much you are covering so that they know how much to apply for, and help them with the funding application. The application is going to require information such as how much money you earn and questions about your financial situation that your kid might not know the answer to.
You can apply for private student loans with ease, you just need to make sure that you’re reading all of the terms and conditions, as well as the fine print. Always remember to read the fine print as you never know what could be written there and you need all of the information before you make a decision on the best provider to apply to.
We know that applying for funding can be scary, and it might even make you as the parent feel as though you’ve not done your job properly, but it’s just what has to be done sometimes. If you’re able to contribute to any of the tuition, you’ve done a great job.
If your child is going to be applying for scholarships, you want to help them do this as soon as possible. There are various types of scholarship so it’s just about working out which one is going to be suitable for them to apply for based on what they are bringing to the table. Generally you can apply for either an academic or a sports scholarship, but you have to be exceptional to be granted one of these. As such, it’s your job to encourage your child throughout their high school career to do their best, put their best foot forward and always be thinking about college.
Of course, you do not want them to miss out on the full high school experience, but they have college to let loose a little. It’s a balancing act, and it’s hard, but it’s worth it.
Visiting Campus
Once your child has been accepted into the college that they want to go to, you should visit campus even if you have done so already. This helps them to really bond with the place and start to get an idea of where things are. They are going to be living and attending here for the next few years so it’s imperative that they are comfortable and happy there.
Even if you’ve been here before, you’ve got to try and see it with fresh eyes. Look at the different buildings, the different places, and really get acquainted as much as you can. When the time comes for them to attend the school, make sure that they attend their orientation as this is where they will get help and advice!
Learning To Cook
Okay, now onto the skills that they are going to need while they are there! It’s imperative that you have taught them to cook before they leave, even if it’s just the basics. Even if they can only make themselves a basic, decent meal, that’s all that matters. They don’t have to be the next chef in the making, but they do need to be able to feed themselves balanced, healthy meals while they are away. Nobody can live on takeout forever both for their health and for their bank account.
If you have them in the kitchen with you while you are cooking, this is a great way to get them to learn. They can watch, then they can do, then they can do it without your supervision and see how it goes. It’s a life skill everyone needs, no exceptions!
Learning Laundry
If they’ve never done laundry a day in their life, that’s something else you’re going to have to show them how to do. It’s not hard, it’s not complicated but it can turn out disastrous if they don’t know what they are doing. So, you’ve got to take your time and show them how to separate the colors, what products to use, where in the machine they go, and what settings certain things need to be washed on.
Of course, they’re probably going to bring you a nice pile of laundry when they come home to visit, but they still need to know how to do it. Nobody should ever have to count on someone else to do their laundry.
Buying The Essentials
Not only are books, pencils, pads, laptop and so much more necessary, but they also have essentials they are going to need for their dorm. This is going to include things like bedsheets, pillows, cooking utensils, laundry detergent, laundry basket and so much more. Everything that they need for college itself and for the dorm room needs to be put in a big list, and then go through it all when you’re at the store.
Tick things off so that you know where you are and what it is that they still need. Everything needs to be purchased before the day they leave, so make sure that between you, you’ve got this sorted.
Going Through Budgeting
As they are going to be on their own away from you, they need to learn how to budget. They don’t have unlimited funds, and they may even need to get a job to pay for some of their expenses. So, it’s important that they know how to budget the money they have to make sure they have enough money for food, for their school supplies and whatever else they need to pay for.
Sit down and talk to them through budgeting as best you can. They might not be interested, but they will thank you for doing this when they have to do it. It’s boring and it’s dull, but it’s still something that everyone needs to know how to do, because if you don’t, you’re going to end up broke or in debt.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the different things that you should be encouraging your child to do so that they are ready for college. It’s going to be a huge change, and it’s important that you have done everything in your power to ensure that they are ready, that they feel confident in themselves, and that they are going to have the best experience ever. It’s a lot, we know, so just take it one step at a time and start early so that you’re not struggling to fit it all in before they leave.