You made it through those ten months of pregnancy and your little one has arrived — congratulations, mama! You did it. While your baby has her own unique set of needs, it’s important to acknowledge that you also have some serious healing and recovery to do, as well.

Postpartum recovery is no joke, and having the right essentials on hand is going to make a world of difference with your overall experience. Take a look at some of our favorite postpartum recovery essentials to help ensure a smooth recovery!
Comfortable Underwear
Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a c-section, you are going to want to take special care down there. Whatever method you had for your delivery, there will be a recovery process that you need to go through. There will be bleeding. There will be discomfort.
This is why one of the very first things we recommend is comfortable underwear. And it will look different for everyone! Perhaps you want some postpartum underwear with a high waistline. Maybe you want something disposable. Whatever you choose, make sure you also have some high-quality, absorbent pads to go with.
Bed Protection
No one wants to wash their sheets daily, so getting some good bedding protection for your postpartum recovery period is going to be a lifesaver. Incontinence bed protection is a great way to go because they’re designed to be sturdy, absorbent, and most of all, comfortable. Because let’s be real! You’re probably not getting a ton of sleep, but the sleep that you do get should be comfy and cozy.
The best part about this bedding protection? It’s reusable, so you only have to wash the pad instead of your entire bedding set. Major score.
A Peri Bottle
Here’s the thing: going to the bathroom is quite a process for those first few weeks after giving birth, and taking care of things can get a little uncomfortable. This is where your trusty peri bottle is going to come into play. Fill it up with water and use it to clean up after going to the bathroom. Trust us when we say that this is a huge must-have!
An Ice Pack
With everything you have on your plate right now, you deserve some relief. Wherever you’re needing some quick pain relief, an ice pack is going to serve you well. Keep a few in your freezer so that you’ll always have one ready. You can even purchase special bands to keep them securely in one place so that your hands can be free to snuggle your babe.
Some Pain Reliever
And for those moments when the ice pack just isn’t cutting it, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of some pain reliever pills to take the edge off. When you checked out of the hospital, your nurse should have given you some pain relief pills. Keep those nearby and be sure to note how often they should be taken so that you can get the relief you need.
You might also consider talking to your doctor about what medicines would be best for you, and if over-the-counter or prescription medications will serve you best.
Don’t let your postpartum care get overlooked! Your recovery is extremely important, and when you’re comfortable, you’re more able to enjoy the time you spend with your new little bundle of joy. Get everything you need for a successful postpartum recovery!