This is a collaborative guest post.
Having a baby is one of the most exciting things in our lives, from the moment you find out that you’re pregnant to the day they are born and every moment in between.
We carry this little bundle of joy for nine months, enduring the discomfort, growing belly stretching our stomach, the tons of extra weight, and the difficulty sleeping for the better half of pregnancy.
But yet we love just about every second of it because we know that eventually, it will all have been worth it. We anxiously await their arrival decorating the room and daydreaming about the life you’ll have together as a family.
We believe that our bodies will shrink back to normal once this baby is out during pregnancy, and all of our discomfort of aches and pains will disappear.
Unfortunately, transitioning from pregnancy into postpartum doesn’t eliminate the discomfort. There are some new ones that arrive, such as enlarged tender breasts, leaking fluids, hemorrhoids, and stretch marks, just to name a few. Also, postpartum depression is very common and it is necessary to reach out for help, places like TMS Postpartum Depression Treatment are available for support.
You just gave birth after spending nine months growing a baby inside of you. Your body was put through a great amount of stress, and it needs time to recover from that.
Thankfully there are things that you can do that will help your body to heal faster, and in the process, you’ll likely lose some of the extra pounds as well.
Of course, sleeping is the key to healing, but with a new baby up frequently and your fears worrying about the baby make this nearly impossible.
Eating foods that will promote healing is essential. And if you’re breastfeeding, it’s going to be even more important to provide you both with the necessary nutrients to get healthy. These foods will even help to improve the quality of your breast milk and give you the energy you need to survive the day. For more resources see
Do you remember that saying that everyone kept telling you throughout your entire pregnancy, “Be sure to sleep when they sleep”? They said it because that’s likely going to be the only time that you can get any sleep.
Newborns are exhausting, thankfully they are super cute and smell good.
Here are just some of the healing foods that you should begin incorporating into your diet:
Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, arugula, mustard greens, and Swiss chard are filled with anti-inflammatory and immune-building nutrients that will help you heal faster and keep you from getting sick. They are filled with high vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, folate, and provitamin A.
Eggs support your immune health because they are packed with immune-building vitamins and minerals – vitamins A and B12, zinc, iron, and selenium. And they are probably one of the best sources of protein.
Salmon is packed with protein, B vitamins, selenium, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fats. All of these help to improve your immune response and reduce inflammation.
The antioxidants in berries offer anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immune-supporting abilities. These small, beautifully colored fruits stimulate the production of collagen and promote healing throughout your body.
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds such as almonds, shelled pecan nuts, walnuts, and hemp seeds provide your body with the fuel it needs to recover. The healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals you get from eating them build your immune system and support healing. You’ll find that they are an excellent zinc source, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium.
Finding the time to eat these things can be challenging, to say the least, but it’s possible. As a new mother adapting to new changes is difficult. Thankfully, most of these ingredients go perfectly together in a smoothie. You can make extras for the next few days so you can quickly grab one from the fridge when you have a chance.
Try this smoothie: Spinach, Kale, pineapple, berries, a knob of ginger, and oat milk. For more smoothie recipes visit
Taking good care of yourself after giving birth isn’t only important for you; it’s vital to the health of your baby as well. Choosing to eat healthily will also help to fight off postpartum depression.Depression is a real thing after pregnancy. You have a bunch of hormones running through your body. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help or if you need postpartum depression treatment.