It’s no secret that pregnancy and breastfeeding lead to drooping breasts. And while many moms just turn to a bra with better lift, some opt for a more long term solution. But when looking into cosmetic surgery in order to achieve your ideal breast size and shape, it may be difficult to know if you should get implants, a breast lift, or both! We sat down with Dr. Martin Jugenburg founder of SixSurgery to get his opinion.

Breast Implants
Dr. Jugenburg specializes in breast surgeries, and performs more breast augmentations in one day than many surgeons do in one month. A breast augmentation involves inserting a breast implant through a small inframammary incision (below the breast) or transaxillary incision (under the armpit). Typically you will choose between two types of breast implants for this procedure, saline or silicone.
A saline implant has a silicone shell that is rolled up and inserted through the incision site. Once inside, the surgeon will fill the implant with saline (salt water). These implants have become very popular for their ability to leave behind the tiniest scars. Of his new technique Dr. Jugenburg says, “I coined the term ‘tiny scar implant’ as I worked on producing the smallest possible scars for breast augmentation patients. After the 1” scars have fully healed, they are invisible to the untrained eye.” To learn more, click here.
A silicone implant has a silicone shell, and is filled with firm silicone gel. These implants are also known as “gummy bear” or “cohesive gel” implants, because the thick silicone gel does not leak or ooze if ruptured. Silicone Implants are widely regarded as the most natural feeling implant, though once they’re inserted, it is quite difficult to tell the difference between the two.
Another choice you need to make is an implant profile. Implant profiles allow for a different type of breast shape, from barely noticeable volume to the full, round, fake look. It is important to understand implant profiles when looking at “wish pics” because the type of “wish pics” you are drawn to are likely a combination of the right profile, and right amount of CCs for you. That being said, it is important to note that you should always be looking at people with a similar body type to your own. When asked about the limitations of implants Dr. Jugenburg says, “Breast implants alone cannot address things like wide intermammary clefts, amount of natural cleavage, nipple size and shape, or drooping”.
That’s right. Contrary to popular belief, breast implants are not the solution to all breast related issues! Many patients wonder if the breast implant is able to fill out the sagging skin that they notice. Unfortunately when it comes to sagging breast tissue, implants will not be able to help you. They are able to give the patient additional volume, and can be used to address asymmetries, but they are not able to provide a lift! “The breast implant is actually inserted behind the breast tissue, not inside it”, Dr. Jugenburg explains.
Dr. Jugenburg’s step by step breast implant guide:
Breast Lifts
Breast lifts are able to address asymmetries, areola size and shape, breast drooping, and breast shape. A breast lift is a procedure in which the breast tissue is dissected and rearranged to provide a perkier, more lifted appearance. While often necessary to achieve the patient’s “wish pic” results, many patients avoid this route due to the amount of scarring. Depending on the amount of lift needed, a patient will receive either a lollipop incision or an anchor incision.
A lollipop incision is used for patients who require a moderate lift. The incision will be around the areola, with a straight line down to the breast fold (shaped like a lollipop). An anchor incision is used for patients who require more of a lift. It is also the incision of choice for breast reduction surgeries. This incision also circles the areola, with a straight line down to the breast fold. The major difference is that the incision also extends horizontally along the breast fold (shaped like an anchor).
Dr. Jugenburg adds, “Although patients are often nervous of the scarring, they will fade over time as the breasts heal and settle into a more natural position”.
Breast Augmentation + Lift
It is entirely possible to have both a breast augmentation, and a lift in the same procedure. This involves first placing the implant, and then addressing the placement of the breast tissue to achieve the desired lift!
Breast augmentations with a lift are some of the most common choices for patients undergoing Mommy Makeovers. This is a combination of surgeries that will address the effects of pregnancy like breast drooping and excess skin around the abdomen. “These procedures are some of my favourites to do, because the patients are always so ecstatic with their results”, says Dr. Jugenburg. “We love that Mommy Makeover patients are often choosing to do these procedures for themselves, and no one else. They’ve spent the last several years dedicating their bodies to raising their children, and want to feel a sense of ownership over their changed bodies.”
On that note, Dr. Jugenburg does recommend that patients wait until they are finished having children before undergoing a breast lift as pregnancy will likely affect your results.
Whether you choose a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or both, it is crucial to understand the difference before choosing your surgical plan. While you may only want the scars of a breast augmentation, remember that implants aren’t able to address more than that. At the end of the day, this is a personal decision, but it is important to be informed about all your options so that you can be happy with your final result. Dr. Jugenburg’s last tip, “Choose a surgeon that you trust!” The right surgeon will be able to help you through the process of choosing the right surgical route for you.