I absolutely LOVE handbags and other girly accessories. I love looking, buying and gifting handbags. I came across this really cute website that not only sells cute purses but has a purpose too!
“Rallie McAllister, MD, MPH, founded PonyUP! Kentucky to raise money for horse rescue operations. As Rallie searched for the perfect fundraising product, she was also searching for a handbag that reflected her love of horses and
One day as Rallie was carrying a leather halter slung over her shoulder on the way to the pasture to get her horses, she thought, “Wouldn’t this be a great shoulder strap for a handbag?”
Rallie searched for a purse featuring a horse-halte
PonyUP! has some really cute purses and handbags that are great for all occasions. What I really love is that the Brass Nameplate on the leather strap can be personalized up to 20 characters!
Things that are Bragworthy:
- Cute, Affordable Purses!
- Fashion Forward Handbags for all types of Women
- At least 10 percent of all PonyUP! Kentucky profits will be donated to horse rescue operations
- Brass Nameplates can be personalized!
- PonyUP! Kentucky donated 20 purses to Old Friends: A Kentucky Facility for Retired Thoroughbreds!
PonyUP! Kentucky Handbags can be purchased at www.ponyupkentucky.comtarget=”_blank”> /a>
PonyUP! Kentucky Handbags gets Bragging Rights!
One lucky Bragging Mommy reader will win a PonyUP! Kentucky handbag of their own!
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry– Visit PonyUP! and let us know which handbag you would pick if you won.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries. All extra entries who don’t do the mandatory entry will be deleted.
- 3 entries– Like PonyUP! on Facebook
- 3 entries– Follow PonyUP! on Twitter
- 2 entries– Follow PonyUP! Blog
- 2 entries– Grab The Bragging Mommy button and put it on your blog. Leave a link.
- 1 entry for each– Follow The Bragging Mommy via Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, subscribe to emails, subscribe in reader.
- 2 entries– Blog about this giveaway. Leave a link.
- 1 entry per day– Tweet this giveaway using @ponyup & @braggingmommy
You can enter this giveaway until October 10 @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.