I have been introduced to a website that is going to change our Play Date history! The New Play-Doh Play-dates website. On the site it has ideas for play date activities like crafts, snacks, tips, lesson plans and ideas for creating fun a really play-doh play time. And they don’t just tell you the ideas for these. They literally walk you through step by step so you know how to do it all!
September’s theme for the Play-dates website is Pizza Shop so we decided to have a Play-doh pizza party with Bug’s friends.
One the Play-Dates site, there are detailed instructions on how to make some really fun Play-Doh creations. We decided to make play-doh pizzas. With the instructions so easy and clear to follow we were able to teach the kids how to make these fabulous play-doh pizzas, and they turned out so well. The kids were super excited and loved their pizza creations. They even got creative and made additional toppings, I was really impressed by what they came up with.
Once the kids had created their pizzas and boxes I announced that we would be making English Muffin Pizzas! The kids loved making another pizza that they could eat. The whole play date was a blast and the other moms were
I love this new Play-Doh Play-Dates website because it makes it so easy for me to plan and host a play date with Bug and his friends. I used to be wary of hosting play dates because I had to search and search for a good idea, and then find crafts and activites. It was a lot of work, and it was intimidating. Now that I have found this site, it is so easy and it was really fun! You will definitely want to check it out before you plan your next play date!
Play-Doh Play-Dates gets Bragging Rights!
*This post is part of a SocialMoms product evaluation, for which I’ve been selected. I’ve been compensated for my time with 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of SocialMoms or Play-Doh.