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Students write endless academic papers; from compare and contrast essays to dissertation papers in furtherance of their studies, grades and careers. It is a necessary evil for all students. At each educational level, there are essays assigned by the teachers, and these essays are taken as evidence of the student’s skills, knowledge, and understanding of the materials learned. Essays help the teachers understand the level at which the student is on their studies, their skills and capabilities on a given subject. There are essay writing services that are provided by professionals who help students with their assignments. These services raise pertinent questions of ethics and morality with regards to plagiarism and the monetization of school grades.

Is it Cheating or Plagiarism?
Getting help from people has never been an issue, and even before the internet, people hired ghostwriters to help them with assignments. Today, with the click of a button, one can get professional writing help online from any location in the world. The question, though it seems, is whether such services fall within the ambit of plagiarism. Plagiarism is described as the copying of another person’s work and submitting this work as your own. When you are paying an online essay writing service to write an assignment, the essay service is giving you an essay written from scratch, that is plagiarism-free and the simple act of buying this assignment makes it your own. These services offer proofreading and editing work on the assignment. The flipside of this argument is that paying for essays, MLA outlines, APA outlines, research papers, etc. takes the responsibility of the work away from the student. But in some cases, writing a paper becomes a formality where not all the subjects studied are important for the course or degree, so it would make sense to hire an essay writing service.
Universities believe that submitting assignments that are not the student’s own work is academic dishonesty and when this becomes unearthed the student can get penalized or even suspended. This makes the question of claiming another person’s work as your own upon paying for it irrelevant because of the position held by the university. The university holds this position because submitting work that is ready-made for you by someone else defeats the purpose of the assignment which is to help you learn. The argument is that the student loses an opportunity to increase logical reasoning and analytical skills, as well as analytical writing.
Why Students Seek Essay Writing Services
There are many reasons that students seek essay writing services. Some opinions blame the education system which places misplaced priorities on the students. Universities have become mills for degrees and diplomas which has forced the students to adapt and get the papers they need and enter the job market. The value of wisdom, learning, and the necessity of honesty and integrity in education have been overlooked in the flawed education system. Students end up with a countless amount of work that they have to do in the semester for all the subjects or units they are undertaking, which, coupled with classes and other things like jobs and raising children, becomes too much to handle. There are also admission requirements for institutions that have to be met for someone to become a student. These requirements usually include an essay or letter of intent, and the competitiveness of such admission systems pushes students to seek professional writing services to better their chances of being admitted. Let’s not forget the tedious and time-consuming nature of college essays, which may conflict with their other obligations in life. Professional writers have experience with research, formatting, spacing and referencing which the students may not be familiar with which makes outsourcing assignments more appealing.
Ethics are very subjective when it comes to essay writing services since this depends on a person’s sensibilities based on their societal and family upbringing. It cannot, however, be ignored that students are expected to do too many tasks in their coursework, but given very little time to finish these assignments satisfactorily. The choice to engage essay writing services is not illegal, nor is it plagiarism and with current education systems, it is even considered necessary.