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The COVID-19 pandemic is something all of us should take seriously. Many countries now have established the home-quarantine policy to keep the coronavirus from spreading. While this could be one of the most stressful times of our lives, we should keep it together for our children. This is also a hard time for them so it’s important for us parents to ensure that they are safe. Not only that, but we should also make most of the time while we are at home with them.
It’s said parenting doesn’t come with a manual, so individual tips vary from one parent to another. However, during this time of the pandemic, one thing this common—all parents must work to ensure that they are safe together with their children.
Parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic could be a major challenge for most parents, with all the rules and regulations to observe. As the best parent for your child, encourage them to follow the regulations to help curb the spread of the virus. Ensure your child puts on a mask each time they go out. Tell them it’s not the right time to play together because the virus can spread from one person to another. If you need genuine PPEs for the entire family, you can consult reliable suppliers such as DmbSupply.

Here are great parenting tips you can follow while quarantined at home:
- Keep Everything Positive
With everything that has been going on, it’s hard to keep it together and stay positive. This is especially true if your children are from different age groups. You may find yourself yelling more often and say things like “Stop it!” But, children are more cooperative when we provide them with clearer and positive instructions. For example, instead of saying “Do not make a mess,” you can say, “Please keep your toys after playing with them.”
Also, it’s better to call their attention by saying their name in a calm but stern voice. Shouting at children usually causes them to get confused and be more distant.
Lastly, when they do something great, always remember to praise and thank them!
- Spend Quality Time
Whether you are working from home or simply cannot go to work, being at home is a great chance for you to spend quality time with your kids. Having one-on-one time with each of your children will allow you to have a better or closer relationship with them. It makes them feel important and you can discover more the things they like and dislike.
- Ask Them What They Want to Do
Letting them choose boosts their confidence. If they want to do an activity that does not include physical distancing, then this is a great time to talk to them about this.
- Allocate Time to Spend With Each Kid
Decide the amount of time you want to spend with each of your children. It can be 30 minutes, it can be less or more, completely up to you. You can even schedule it at the same time every day to excite them and get them to prepare ahead.
- Ideas for Your Teenager
- Talking with your teenager does not have to be serious all the time. Ask them about things they like. It can be celebrities, sports, music, and even their friends. But, if they prefer not to talk about a certain topic, do not press them and just let them know that your ears are ready when they want to share something.
- You can workout together to their favorite jam.
- Cook or bake together – let them suggest what they want to cook or bake.
- Ideas for Your Young Child
- Look at pictures or read their favorite books.
- Sing and dance to their favorite songs.
- Help them with their school activities.
- Let them help with some of the simple chores, like folding their clothes and cleaning their room.
- Play educational and fun games with them
- Ideas for Your Toddler/Baby
- Mimic their sounds and facial expressions
- Sing to them songs, like alphabet songs and number songs
- Play with them using blocks and other toys.
- Tell them a story or read one from the book with large pictures
Many will tell you to switch off the TV, smartphones, and other gadgets. If you can, then awesome! But, some parents find this impossible, especially those that have a lot of other things to do. So, as much as you can, limit their screen time and prioritize family time!
- Be Organized
The quarantine period has changed the daily routine of most people. This is truly hard for us, as parents, but it is also a difficult time for children as well. Their school routine is gone and they are stuck at home.
To make it easier for them, you can create another daily routine that is flexible. Allocate enough time for activities and free time. This allows them to be more cooperative and well-behaved. Also, include workouts on their daily routine to keep them active. Make exercises fun so they will look forward to it.
- Talk About the COVID-19 Illness
Having more time with your children also means you can discuss with them the current situation of the whole world. Talk to them about the importance of staying home and what the new coronavirus illness is all about. You can learn more about the COVID-19 here.
- Teach Your Children About Social Distancing
If it is okay in your place, let them know that it is okay to go outside but they have to be extra careful. One of the effective ways of preventing the spread of COVID-19 is through social distancing. Let them know that they need to be at least six feet away from other people, regardless if these people are well or sick. The pandemic might scare them so let them know that you are keeping them safe.
- Teach Them About Proper Hand Hygiene
Health organizations, such as the CDC and WHO, highly recommend people to wash their hands properly and regularly. Teach your children that when washing hands, they need to cover all areas and must at least be 20 seconds long. Emphasize to them that soap and water are ideal when cleaning their hands.
However, in the event that soap and water are not available, alcohol is a good alternative. They can also use a hand sanitizer manufacturer that uses a recipe that contains a high alcohol content. A great example is hand sanitizers made from