My perspective changes a lot when I step back and look at life’s moments in a new light. Especially since I’m a woman and I tend to base everything on my feelings at the time. In a negative situation, when I take a step away, and take the time to get a clear head, I can usually see things in a new light and a different perspective.
If I were to tell my story about my life and I could choose between film or being animated in ink, I would definitely choose animated. I love that the options are limited with animation, nothing is impossible. I also think it would be really fun to see what the animated version of me would look like. Along with all of my friends and family as animated characters.
Order your copy of Supernatural: The Anime Series on DVD or Blu-Ray here today:!
*I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Supernatural: The Anime Series on DVD/Blu-Ray.