It’s undeniable that the CBD industry has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Once a fringe herbal remedy, the therapeutic extract is rising through the ranks of the wellness industry fast. And as it grows in popularity, it’s becoming increasingly easy to access. However, despite the compound’s market prevalence, many people are still unwise to its potential benefits. If you’re curious about the unique cannabinoid, this article uses the latest scientific research to explore its possible advantages.

CBD: An Overview
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 113 natural compounds found within the cannabis plant. CBD is a non-psychotic cannabinoid that shows the potential to elicit a range of therapeutic effects on the human body. The extract is available in various forms, such as patches, pouches, tinctures, skin creams, concentrates, edibles, soft gel capsules, wax, under-the-tongue sprays, and topical solutions.
How Could CBD Benefit You?
It may soothe acne-prone skin
Acne is a common skin condition that is a source of irritation for many people globally. It is caused by the sebaceous glands in the skin secreting sebum, which is an oily and waxy substance to protect the skin. Although sebum protects the skin, it can mix with dirt, dead skin cells, or other pollutants and become trapped in your skin pores, which, once inflamed, can cause acne.
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has shown that CBD can prevent sebocytes from producing excess sebum, thus proving effective in treating acne. In addition, the study also showed that CBD could trigger an anti-inflammatory reaction that could prevent the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, which could reduce the risk of acne outbreaks in your body.
It’s been shown to relieve chronic pain
Chronic or persistent pain is considered as pain that lasts for upwards of 12 weeks, despite the use of treatment or medication. The pain can range from intermittent episodes to more continual durations, and it normally features sharp, dull, aching, or burning sensations in the affected body parts.
People with chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, cancer, and multiple sclerosis experienced relief after using CBD, according to a 2012 study that was implemented by the Journal of Experimental Medicine. It was also suggested to prevent nervous system degeneration and suppress persistent inflammatory pain.
It may be able to relieve epileptic symptoms
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects brain activity. It can contribute to seizures, periods of unusual behaviors, and a loss of awareness. Based on the 2017 review published in the Epilepsy & Behavior journal, CBD has been proven to hold unique properties that can successfully treat children with drug-resistant epilepsy. One 2019 study published in the Molecules journal has even stated that CBD could reduce the frequency of seizure activity by up to 50%.
Due to the therapeutic effect of CBD, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of epidiolex, a purified form of CBD, for treating severe and rare forms of epilepsy. The two types of epilepsy, Dravet Syndrome (DS) and Lennox Gastaut Syndrome (LGS), are currently drug-resistant, but a 2020 review published in The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics highlighted that epidiolex could either reduce or stop seizures altogether. The study also suggested that CBD could be vital in treating complications associated with epilepsy, such as psychiatric diseases, neurodegeneration, and neuronal injury.
It may be able to improve heart health
There are several contributing factors to heart disease, including high blood pressure, smoking, and high cholesterol levels. A growth in unhealthy lifestyles among much of the western world has made this disease more prevalent now. In the US alone, $220 billion is spent on tackling heart diseases annually, and with a whopping 25% of all deaths being accounted to heart disease, it’s understood to be the leading cause of death in the country. And similar to the US, heart diseases are also the leading cause of death in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
However, due to CBD’s antioxidant properties and its power in reducing oxidative stress levels, it may help prevent heart diseases by reducing blood pressure fluctuations, based on the 2017 study published in the JCI Insight journal. In addition to this, it has also been shown to improve heart health by reducing stress-induced cardiovascular response, reducing blood pressure, minimizing artery blockage, preventing inflammation, and reducing cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, research on this subject is still in its infancy, so more exploration needs to be done before we can understand CBD’s full potential in combating the effects of heart disease.
It may have anti-cancer qualities
Some studies show CBD potentially helps manage symptoms of cancer as well as the side effects of chemotherapy. One 2016 study, published in the Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry journal in animals, investigated if cannabinoids can help reduce tumor growth and, furthermore, if they can increase the effectiveness or potency of some anti-cancer drugs. In addition, a 2019 study published in the Journal of Pancreatic Cancer shows that CBD might be effective in inducing tumor cell death, slowing down tumor growth, and reducing tumor invasion, as well as making glioblastoma cells more sensitive to cancer treatment.
Current cancer treatments have multiple negative side effects, such as loss of appetite and nausea that can cause weight loss, and because of CBD’s possible ability to ease poor appetite, nausea, and pain, many researchers also agree that CBD could help to negate the impact of these side effects.
It may be useful to those with diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or when it doesn’t use it efficiently enough. It can affect anyone, but it mainly occurs among adolescents and children, requiring you to take daily insulin injections to manage blood glucose levels.
As type 1 diabetes forms, inflammation can occur when immune system cells attack pancreatic cells. But due to CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties, it may have the potential to prevent the development of this type of diabetes based on the 2016 study published in the Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation journal. These promising findings mean one day, CBD may be used to help curve inflammation during the onset of the disease and help soothe nerve pain related to the condition.
It may be helpful for people who are ready to quit smoking
Due to CBD’s ability to reduce seizures in epilepsy, scientists are evaluating its effectiveness in controlling cravings associated with substance abuse. People dependent on nicotine may be more vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and smoking cues, especially if they are trying to quit. Hemp CBD dips, sometimes known as cannabis chew, may provide a relaxing way to distract you when cravings or stress arise. These pouches are full of filler and CBD, which absorbs through the mouth.
Besides smoking, men who chew tobacco may find CBD dips a good alternative as it provides a similar sensation in their mouth.
CBD can potentially reduce stress and anxiety, which may help people manage nicotine withdrawal symptoms. In addition, it has an impact on the human brain by influencing the brain circuitry that is responsible for drug-seeking behaviors. Current studies show that CBD might play a role in reducing nicotine and cocaine dependence, among others.
It may be able to improve mental health
Mental illnesses are defined as a condition that causes serious disorder in a person’s thinking, mood, or behavior. The most common mental illnesses include eating disorders, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and addictive behaviors. According to the Anxiety And Depression Association Of America, anxiety disorders affect 18.1% of people in the United States, which equates to around 40 million people. Additionally, approximately 25% of the population in Europe experience neuropsychiatric disorders every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Although there is debate if THC-rich cannabis is suitable for people with chronic anxiety, according to a 2015 study published in the Neurotherapeutics journal, CBD might be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety disorders. This includes substance abuse disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, general anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorders, and panic disorders, as this study has shown.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are many reasons why customers are turning to CBD in their droves. From a pain reliever to a skincare solution, hemp extract has wide and varied applications. However, despite the preliminary research into its uses and benefits, much is still unknown about cannabidiol and its relationship with our bodies and mind. Because of this, it’s important to confer with your doctor if you decide to take it to assist any mental or physical condition and to do your own research beforehand.
We wish you all the best of luck with your well-being journey!