I received these products for my review. All opinions are my own.
Oilogic® Essential Oil Care is the newest way to use Essential Oils to care for your baby, toddler or kiddo! After all, Mommyhood has been called the “hardest job on earth”, and we want to make it easier. So that is why we have developed custom, concentrated 100% Pure Essential Oils blends, diluted them properly for our little tots, and packaged them conveniently for busy Moms, like you and me!
Slumber & Sleep Calming Cream
Naturally relaxing and moisturizing Essential Oil blend to rest easy
Slumber & Sleep is a concentrated blend of 100% Pure Essential Oils diluted appropriately with Coconut Oil and Jojoba Oil to keep skin baby-butt soft!
Naturally relaxing vapors from a blend of Essential Oils to rest easy
Slumber & Sleep includes a concentrated blend of 100% Pure Essential Oils diluted appropriately with Jojoba Oil and Castor Oil to keep skin baby-butt soft!
Safely diluted for 6 months +
Stuffy Nose & Cough Vapor Bath
Naturally soothes cough and stuffy nose with a blend of Essential Oils
Stuffy Nose & Cough is a concentrated blend of 100% Pure Essential Oils diluted appropriately to be safe and effective.
Are you an essential oil user? I have quite a few, but honestly they mostly just sit on my shelf. Life is just so busy these days, and often I don’t take the time to look up all the different uses for them. It seems like just another chore in my life. But I do think they are great, which is why I am so excited to tell you about Oilogic! It is a company that has 100% Pure Essential Oils diluted appropriately to be safe and effective for infants and children! I LOVE this idea, that everything is already mixed in and is as easy to use as can possibly be. I don’t have to worry about diluting or mixing, I can just use it right out of the bottle! They have a wide selection of great baby products that help soothe and calm. My favorite so far has been the Relax and Calm Essential Oil Roll-on. My oldest has a hard time winding down at night and preparing for sleep, and rubbing a little bit of this on his feet a half hour before bedtime helps A TON! I also LOVE the vapor baths- what a genius idea, right? There is nothing more comforting than a bath, especially when your little one is suffering from a cold or cough. These products also make a FABULOUS baby gift! What a great way to help new parents care for their little ones with the power and ease of these essential oil mixtures!
Things that are Brag Worthy:
Easily and affordably tap into the power of natural Essential Oils
No worries about harsh chemicals and other yucky stuff
Oilogic® Essential Oil Roll-Ons use a concentrated blend of 100% Pure Essential Oils to naturally care and comfort your baby, toddler or kiddo!
Clean, Natural and Free of… petroleum – phthalates – parabens – sulfates – gluten- dea – dyes – mineral oil – artificial colors – synthetic perfumes
The bottom of the feet is the safest and most effective place to test and use essential oils on children.
Manufactured in the USA
Oilogic® Slumber & Sleep products naturally relax using a blend of Essential Oils to rest easy. Bathe, Moisturize, then Oil your baby in each product to create an Essential Oil regimen for every nap and every night’s rest.
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.