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Ever heard of the saying, ‘You are what you eat’?
Well, that is true, especially considering the fact that so many aspects of your body health depend on your nutrition. In fact, your body is dependent on the food you eat much more than you think. Not only in terms of your health, but also in your skincare routine.
You may look at some people and notice they have beautiful skin, even as they age. However, it is not just because of extensive skin care creams and routines they do just to keep it in top shape for longer – the food they eat also plays a major role. The advancing scientific research continues to reveal the importance of having a healthy diet in terms of your skin health and aging process and has led to the development of important health anti aging supplements, such as those containing fulvic acid.
You may wonder what the best foods to consume are, so here is a basic breakdown of the most important ones on the list.
Fatty fish
There is an importance in consuming fish – not just any type, but the fatty varieties in particular. These include salmon, cod, herrings, and mackerel. This is because they all contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential in maintaining long-term skin health and slow down the aging process of the body in general.
The skin is made up of fat layers, which help to maintain its softness and smooth nature. When you consume these fish, the fatty acids boost the fat layers of the skin, therefore playing a role in maintaining moisture levels that keep your skin supple. In fact, when you are deficient in these fatty acids, there is a higher chance you will suffer from, dry skin.
In addition, these fatty acids also reduce inflammation of the skin, which is the chief culprit in the development of acne and redness. They will also reduce the tendency of the skin to be burnt by UV rays from the sun, and playing a role in reducing your chances of developing skin cancer.
The skin requires antioxidants as well, and the most important among these is Vitamin E, which these fish have in abundance. This will protect your skin from inflammation and free radicals from the environment. They are also very good sources of protein, which is important for maintaining the integrity and strength of the skin.
The last nutrient is zinc, which has a major role in maintaining your overall skin health, reducing inflammation, and producing new skin cells. When deficient in the mineral, you will experience delays in healing, skin inflammation, and an increase in wounds and lesions.
Avocados are an underestimated fruit, yet they are among the most powerful anti-aging foods out there aside from being a delicious addition to your salads and foods. Their content of healthy fats is quite high, and they play a major role in maintaining the health of your skin.
In fact, a certain study that was done in a group of 700 women revealed that a high consumption of healthy fats such as those found in avocados made their skin more springy and supple.
Scientific research confirms that these fruits have certain compounds that keep the skin from damage by the harmful sun’s rays, which are responsible for faster aging and the development of wrinkles. They are also a very good source of Vitamin E that helps to protect the skin from oxidization.
An interesting fact to keep in mind is the effectiveness of Vitamin E increases exponentially when you combine it with foods rich in Vitamin C, another nutrient that is responsible for healthy skin – through the production of collagen.
The standard serving of avocado should be about half of it, or 100 grams. This will give you about 10 percent of the RDI (Reference Daily Intake) of Vitamin E, as well as 17 percent RDI of Vitamin C.
These contain many benefits that are essential in skin care since they are a source of important fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own. They are actually richer than other kinds of nuts, especially in the omega-6 and omega-3 content.
Note that a diet that is high in Omega-6 fatty acids will increase inflammation conditions such as psoriasis, while omega-3 acids do the opposite. The western diet today contains very many omega-6 acids and very little omega-3, yet walnuts can provide both of these in safe ratios that do not harm the body. In fact, their ratio of both acids can help the skin fight the inflammation caused by high omega-6 levels.
In addition, they contain high levels of zinc, around 6 percent of the RDI. This means the skin is able to operate properly as a barrier, increase the rates of healing wounds, and protect against bacteria. They also give you Vitamin E, selenium, Vitamin C, and protein.
Sunflower seeds
The general rule to follow when dealing with skin health is to consume seeds and nuts, as they have many skin-boosting nutrients within them. A good example of this is sunflower seeds.
For instance, 28 grams of sunflower seeds (or one ounce) has 37 percent of RDI of Vitamin E. They also have 10 percent for zinc, 32 percent RDI in selenium, and 5 to 5.5 grams of protein.
Sweet potatoes
A common nutrient that is in plants is beta-carotene, especially in colored vegetables such as carrots, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, and some fruits like apricots and cantaloupe. The benefit it has is that it operates similar to pro-vitamin A, and this means the body can convert it into Vitamin A.
Sweet potatoes are a particularly good source of this nutrient. In fact, a half-cup serving, or 100 grams, of a baked sweet potato, gives you enough beta-carotene that provides four times the RDI of normal Vitamin A.
The beta-carotene, as well as other carotenoids, will act as a natural sunblock for your skin, helping to protect it from harmful UV rays. This will also prevent sunburn, wrinkling of the skin, dryness and cell death. When you consume high levels of beta-carotene, it will also make your skin have a healthier glow because of the addition of a warm orange color – giving you an overall healthier appearance.
Final thoughts
It is important to consider skin health by using the products that guarantee you looking good, but it is also important to take care of your skin from within. These foods and many more play a major role in that, so consider consuming more of them.