New week new weight loss… I’m officially down 11.6 pounds, and feeling GREAT! I am only 2.9 pounds away from pre-baby weight {yes, 5 and a half years later…}!!! I am SO excited to reach that number. Especially because I know I have more muscle than I did pre-baby so it’s going to be even better. I am so thankful to Nutrisystem for helping me get here. Losing weight is so filled with ups and downs, and having a stable plan to keep focused on is so key!! Otherwise I am prone to letting the downs sabotage my progress.
Some things I’ve been munching on this week…
What I’m Loving Week 8 of Nutrisystem
- Being 11.6 pounds down
- The ability to stay focused on a plan and not give up
- Favorite meal: Cavatelli with Broccoli Pesto
- Keeping my eating on track helps me keep my fitness plans on track