I am more excited than ever to share with you, because starting January 13th, I get to try out Nutrisystem, and tell you all what I think! I will be part of the NSNation, so other bloggers will be joining in as well. I am so pumped. I’ve heard so many amazing things about Nutrisystem, and now I get to check it out for myself!
I will be posting every single week with my progress. Happy to have that accountability! I will need some love and support, so join me in my journey!
My food hasn’t arrived yet, but can I tell you how excited I am not to have to worry about cooking for myself for a whole 90 days? It seems like a dream come true! No more staring in the fridge, deciding what to eat, or counting calories, menu planning… wow, this is not only going to help me lose weight, but free up some of my precious time! =)
Here’s a little more info about Nutrisystem, to get you as excited as I am! And don’t forget to take a look at their Results page… wow. The success stories speak for themselves!
Talk to you soon!
Nutrient-rich with just the right amount of protein, fiber and “good” carbs
Perfectly portioned—no counting calories, carbs or points
Ready in just minutes for total convenience
Set smart goals
Researchers recommend an average weekly weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds to stay in the healthy sweet spot.
Flex your options
With the perfect balance of structure, flexibility and convenience, you’ll always have a weight loss plan that “fits.”
Mix It up
Once you have the hang of things, enjoy the freedom of switching up meals and tweaking the plan to best fit your lifestyle.
About Joanna
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.