I was asked to review My Snuggle Bunny Personalized Book Gift Set and when I saw how cute it was I could not refuse! I asked for the set to be personalized with my daughters name “Juliana” because I knew it was something that she would love. I was hoping that she would appreciate the sentiment of having her name in the book. I think I was more excited to give it to her then she was to receive it.

My Snuggle Bunny Personalized Book Gift Set arrived with a very soft stuffed bunny, a page of stickers that had the name Juliana on them, and a special book that was personalized with Juliana’s name through out it. It was produced by I See Me, A company that produces children’s books for Easter and other special occasions. As soon as I opened the box I knew that I may have to purchase another set for my 4 year old son. He was going to be so jealous when he saw that she had a book made just for her! Boy was I right! The bunny was so super soft that they fought over it right away. They both love stickers and they both love to read. They both LOVE stuffed animals! So I went onto their website right away and they had so many options for personalized books! I was so excited because I knew that I could stop the fights right away! I ordered a different set for Taylor and the fights over My Snuggle Bunny Personalized Book Gift Set.

My Snuggle Bunny Personalized Book has become a favorite bed time story for Juliana since she brought it up to her room. It starts at the number 10 and counts backwards and talks about being how the Snuggle Bunny is her friend. She decorated the inside of the cover with her pretty sticker that came with her name on it. I was hoping we could put them on the inside of cover of some of her other books and DVDs but I was not the one in charge of their distribution. She thought they would all be better suited inside the one special book that came with her very own Snuggle Bunny.

The My Snuggle Bunny Personalized Book is made just like a book you would purchase at the store or on Amazon. It is not cheaply put together and is definitely durable for as young as a 2 year old. My son who is learning to read had his book arrive from the ISeeMe company and has had a huge kick seeing his own name inside the book. He is at the age that he recognizes his name on his own without my reading and pointing it out to him! Juliana is loving having her name read out loud to her right from her new bed time story book! If you would like to sign up to receive discounts and promotion updates please visit http://www.iseeme.com/preference-center.html.