Munchkin, Inc. Keeps Nurseries Fresh with ARM & HAMMER™ Diaper Pail Giveaways and a Year of Housecleaning in Exchange for Stinky Parenting Stories!
“Munchkin, Inc., leading designer and manufacturer of clever infant and toddler products, today launched “That Stinks! But the ARM & HAMMER™ Diaper Pail by Munchkin Doesn’t!,” a contest on the company’s Facebook page to promote the ARM & HAMMER Diaper Pail by Munchkin, the #1diaper pail for odor control. To celebrate this distinction, Munchkin is re-launching its popular social media
From now until Sept. 21, 2012, parents can post their silly and lighthearted tales, via Facebook, on how the trials and tribulations of parenting can stink. From bad carpet stains to parking tickets or an embarrassing comment that a child said in public, Munchkin knows that every parent has a funny story.
Each week on “Fresh Friday,” Munchkin will select one story and resolve it with a solution to their stinky problem (such as a $30 gift card to pay for their parking ticket), as well as an ARM & HAMMER Diaper Pail by Munchkin, which features a built-in baking soda dispenser to neutralize odors in the nursery and a patented self-sealing system that allows for one-handed use.
On Sept. 24, 2012, Munchkin will name one grand prize winner with the stinkiest parenting story to win housecleaning services for a year, because cleaning the house stinks! But the ARM & HAMMER Diaper Pail by Munchkin doesn’t!
To enter, parents can “like” Munchkin on Facebook and share their story for a chance to win. For more information, please visit
4 Lucky Bragging Mommy Readers will win an ARM & HAMMER Diaper Pail by Munchkin!
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry– Visit Munchkin and tell us another item they have that you would like.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries. All extra entries who don’t do the mandatory entry will be deleted.
5 entries– Enter the “That Stinks” contest on Munchkin’s Facebook Page & tell us that you did.
3 entries– Like Munchkin on Facebook.
3 entries– Follow Munchkin_Inc on Twitter.
1 entry– Tell us what you like most about the Munchkin ARM & HAMMER Diaper Pail.
1 entry– Grab The Bragging Mommy button and put it on your blog. Leave a link.
2 entries– Follow TheBraggingMommy Heidi on Pinterest.
2 entries– Add The Bragging Mommy into your circle on Google+.
10 entries– Blog about this giveaway linking to this post and Leave a link to your post.
1 entry per day– Tweet this giveaway including @Munchkin_Inc & @braggingmommy & a link to this post in your tweet.
You can enter this giveaway until Sept. 12th @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.