At some point in life, everyone will experience bad breath. For example, you have just enjoyed a delicious meal with garlic in it. Your breath will smell of garlic and this isn’t going to be pleasant for most of the people in your vicinity.
However, this is temporary bad breath, it can be lessened with mints and will disappear naturally.

Understanding Chronic bad Breath
Chronic bad breath is more serious as it doesn’t go away by itself. This condition is generally referred to as halitosis and it will leave you feeling self-conscious. In fact, it is likely to dent your confidence as you avoid social situations
The good news is that it can be resolved.
See Your Dentist
Chronic bad breath can be a result of poor dental hygiene. However, it can also be a sign of several underlying conditions. This includes dry mouth, mouth nose, or throat infections, and cavities. Visiting a reputable dentist Campsie is the first step in having the root cause of the problem diagnosed.
With this done the dentist will be able to help you get the best possible treatment to cure your bad breath and start living a normal life again.
Obviously, if the issue is a cavity then it can be cleaned and field to eliminate the issue. Antibiotics can deal with infections and dry mouth can be treated, although there may be an underlying reason as to why you are suddenly getting dry mouth. In many cases, this is the medications you have been taking and you may need to change your medication.
Improving Your Oral Hygiene
While the underlying cause is being identified you will need to improve your daily oral hygiene routines. This means brushing your teeth for two minutes after every meal. But, remember not to brush too hard. If you do you may damage your gums which will increase the risk of infections.
Alongside brushing it is important to floss at least once a day as this removes debris. You should also brush your tongue as this is where the biggest build-up of bacteria occurs.
It is also a good idea to have regular dental checkups while they attempt to resolve the issue, this will ensure every avenue is explored and a solution is found sooner rather than later.
Change Your Diet
Your diet can make a difference to your breath. While it may be a good idea to cut out smelly foods such as garlic, the main change to your diet should be to reduce your sugar intake. Sugar reacts with bacteria in your mouth to create acid which attacks the enamel on your teeth. It also creates the distinctive odor that you are noticing on your breath. The use of a resperate device can also contribute to a reduction in your stress levels. Bad breath has a correlation with stress. The greater the stress the worse your breath becomes.
Cutting down your sugar intake will help to reduce the issue.
These measures may not eliminate your chronic bad breath but they will reduce it and allow you to control it with mints. That means you can go back to living your normal life and enjoying activities with friends confidently.