Many people complain that their electricity bill is high or higher that they would expect. Energy bills are rising but there are often steps that can be taken to reduce your bill.

Let’s have a look at the most common culprits that contribute to a high energy bill and therefore how to lower your electric bill and save on electricity for your business and home.
If you have been with your energy provider for a number of years then you could be paying too much for your electricity. It does pay to switch suppliers regularly as in this way savings can be made. You can do some research on the different utility and light companies in your area to see which one offers the best rate. Often suppliers will offer discounts if they can supply both your gas and electricity and will be able to offer a further discount if you are able to pay by their preferred payment method which is usually a direct debit payment made monthly from your bank account. Sometimes you will incur an exit penalty if you move from your current supplier so it’s best to check your terms and conditions and find out if you are still on a fixed term contract before deciding to move as in some cases, it is more cost effective to remain with the supplier until the end of the contract.
On the other hand, you can search for other energy providers in your area, like Digital Energy, and compare their rates and offers to get a better deal and lower your electricity bills. Make sure to carefully read the terms and conditions of each supplier to ensure that you are getting the most economical and reliable service
If you commonly have estimated bills this can be an issue as your supplier could overestimate your bill and then have you pay more ahead of time or underestimate your bill in which case you will have to pay substantially more when the bill is corrected. To avoid this predicament, make sure that your supplier is regularly updated with the correct meter readings.
For tips on how to reduce your electricity bill and find the best energy deals, visit
Electric heating is a culprit for a high electricity bill. Some types of electric heating can be very expensive and it is worth considering whether this is contributing to your high electricity bill. A lack of home insulation combined with inefficient electric heating could end up costing you more than you think.
Having long hot showers can greatly add to your electricity bill. Power showers are a big culprit and if you have teens who are regularly showering for long periods of time you may want to consider energy saving methods such as fitting a water efficient shower head.
Long hot showers can be a drain on your electric supply so consider reducing your amount of time in the shower.
Your washing machine and tumble dryer could be contributing significantly to your electricity bill. Could you consider air drying your clothes and washing less at a lower temperature?
Consider your use of other appliances, do you run your dishwasher on a full load or are you regularly running it when it is half empty. Another great resource is the usaves tariff comparison service.
Fitting energy efficient bulbs, switching lights off, using dimmer switches and avoiding keeping technology on standby can all contribute to a reduction in electricity bills. Maintaining appliances such as fridges and freezers can keep them working efficiently and hence using less electricity. Bear in mind that older appliance models are less energy efficient. What about your cooking habits? Glass and ceramic materials are better for cooking and electric hobs are more expensive to run compared with their gas counterparts.