Take a look at almost any celebrity and you’ll find a stunning set of perfect white teeth. It can seem unfair how they have such perfect teeth and yours are stained.
However, the difference is in their dental treatment and their dental bill. Many celebrities opt for veneers that fit over their teeth and give them perfect smiles. The simple fact is that teeth do become discolored as you age. Understanding the most common causes of teeth staining will help you to overcome the issue.
Of course, you can simply use tooth whitening products. But, it is advisable to see a reputable dentist, such as this dentist Fortitude Valley before you start whitening your teeth. They are likely to offer you a professional solution that is more effective.
But, before you do this, you need to understand why your teeth are stained.
Your teeth are covered in enamel which is a very hard substance. It protects the tooth from bacteria and other things that can damage it.
Unfortunately, enamel wears over time and can be damaged. As the thickness of the enamel on your teeth fades, the darker dentin layer underneath will become more visible, making your teeth seem darker.
It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your tooth. However, you’ll need to be careful if choosing tooth whitening products, you don’t want to damage the enamel anymore.
It is worth noting that some people have thicker and whiter enamel and this is simply because of the genes they have. You have no control over this and can’t replicate it.
There are several different foods and even drinks that can affect the whiteness of your teeth and leave stains. The most well-known are coffee and red wine. But, a variety of starchy foods can also affect the color of your teeth.
In addition, smoking or chewing tobacco will stain your teeth.
Poor Hygiene
You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day, floss at least once, and rinse with a mouthwash. This helps to remove food debris from your mouth. It is this debris that reacts with the bacteria in your mouth to create acid. The acid attacks the enamel, staining it and increasing the likelihood of cavities. While poor hygiene can cause stains to appear on teeth, these stains are not necessarily permanent. Some teeth stains can be reduced through teeth whitening procedures. For more information, consider this resource on which type of teeth whitening works best.
There are some diseases and even medications that can affect the color of your teeth. Of particular concern is disease when you are young as this can damage the normal development of enamel.
Alongside this, radiation and chemotherapy on the head and neck can affect the color of your teeth.
Finally, trauma can cause your tooth to be permanently stained. A blow to the face can disrupt the flow of blood to the tooth and cause it to become darker as the enamel is weakened.
Equally, the trauma can damage the nerve, effectively causing it to die and your tooth will change color.
If you are concerned about tooth staining book a checkup with your dentist and they will advise you of the best course of action.
If you don’t have one yet, you can search for a term like “dentist near me Germantown” on the internet and it should provide a list of experts that you can check out.