“The story of Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane’s (Brad Pitt) successful attempt to put together a baseball club on a budget by employing computer-generated analysis to draft his players.”
I was so lucky to see Moneyball in an advanced screening. Both my hubby and I went and both of us LOVED IT! This is a great movie and a great story. Brad Pitt is amazing in this movie and both my hubby and I were surprised by how well Jonah Hill was in this film. He is really fabulous! He makes you laugh throughout the entire film. Together he and Pitt make a dynamic duo of Hilariousness! This is a great movie for the family. It is rated PG-13 (there are 2 F words, and nothing else offensive). You won’t want to miss Moneyball it is excellent!
Moneyball is in theaters now!
For additional info visit: http://moneyball-movie.com/.
Moneyball gets Bragging Rights!
I attended an advanced screening of Moneyball for this review.