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A mommy makeover is a catchy phrase used to describe a combination of plastic surgeries and some non-invasive procedures like coolsculpting, generally performed on women who have experienced body changes after childbirth that they wish to correct with plastic surgery. Commonly mommy makeovers include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or breast lift procedure. However, they can also include liposuction and more.

The amount of procedures included (and which procedures will be included) in your mommy makeover is really up to you. If you’re considering a mommy makeover, I’m sure you have lots of questions. I’ll try to answer some of those questions below.
Is it right for me?
Some women worry that choosing to get a mommy makeover will make them appear vain and send the wrong message. The truth is that this procedure can give you the confidence and boost your self-esteem. Remember, moms with positive images of themselves tend to have daughters with positive self-images too. Moms set the tone.
Others wonder if a mommy makeover is right for them because they don’t need to lose weight. But that isn’t what a mommy makeover is about either. Some women report they didn’t lose any weight during the procedure, but their shape is very much changed.
If you’re asking whether or not this procedure is right for you, you’re probably really trying to decide if a mommy makeover results will truly give you what you desire. Can it give you back your ideal body, your body before kids? Checking out mommy makeover results will help you decide if this procedure is truly right for you.
What’s included?
Most commonly a mommy makeover includes a tummy tuck procedure, breast lift and/or breast augmentation. Dr. Sheila Nazarian, a board-certified plastic surgeon in California, recommends that moms choosing a mommy makeover to wait until they are done having children, done breastfeeding, and within 15 pounds of goal weight. Meeting these recommendations ensures that your surgeon can get a good idea of what your post-childbirth body looks like and what you need to achieve your ideal body.
Some women also choose to add liposuction or other procedures that address vaginal tightness or even labiaplasty to address changes to the labia minora as a result of childbirth. Before and after photos can help you see the different options and the results of these surgeries.
What Are the Risks?
Every surgery has risks. It’s important to talk about the risks with your doctor beforehand. The risks associated with a mommy makeover are, for the most part, the same risks associated with many surgeries:
- bleeding
- infection
- poor healing of incisions
- loss of nipple sensation
- unfavorable scarring
- recurrent looseness of skin
- asymmetry, persistent pain
- contour deformity
- anesthesia risks
How Much Does It Cost?
Prices for this procedure vary greatly. That’s mostly because the actual procedures that make up a mommy makeover aren’t always the same. A mommy makeover that includes three procedures will certainly cost more than a mommy makeover that only includes breast augmentation and breast lift. Which procedures and how many make up your mommy makeover will affect cost.
Where you are having the procedure performed and by whom also affect the cost of a mommy makeover. That said, most mommy makeovers are between $10,000 to $30,000.
There are many ways to finance a mommy makeover. Some plastic surgeons offer in-office financing options for patients. Another option is to use a loan to finance your mommy makeover. There are also healthcare credit cards that can be used to pay for plastic surgeries.
Will I Be Happy With the Results?
Many women are happy with their new bodies and what they represent after a mommy makeover. More than a few women who chose a mommy makeover were very happy to know they can now wear the clothes they wore before having kids.
Mommy makeovers do leave scars, but they are well hidden under underwear or swimsuits. Check out before and after photos to decide if having your ideal body is worth a few hidden scars.
This new plastic surgery procedure known as the mommy makeover can be the answer for women who have tried diet and exercise but still aren’t completely happy with their bodies after having children. The benefits of a tummy tuck include being able to wear skinny jeans you haven’t had on since before you had your babies. The benefits of a breast lift and augmentation can lead you to feel like yourself again after breastfeeding. Talk with a plastic surgeon to help you decide if a mommy makeover is right for you.