“Following its debut in 1993, Saban’s iconic live-action pop culture series,Power Rangers quickly became the most watched children’s television program in North America. Emphasizing the importance of teamwork, responsibility and helping others by following the adventures of a group of ordinary young people who “morphed” into superheroes, this long-running series has been seen in more than 60 countries, translated into numerous languages, and remains a mainstay in children’s programming blocks. For 19 years, the highly entertaining saga and fan favorite characters from Power Rangers have captivated children and adults alike and are beloved by legions of fans worldwide.
Now you can return to where the phenomenon began and re-live these thrill-packed adventures when Shout! Factory, in collaboration with Saban Brands, unleashes a cornucopia of home entertainment offerings, many of which have never been released on DVD, from the original series Power Rangers. Through unprecedented access to Saban Brands’ vast archive of content, many of these DVD collections produced by Shout! Factory boast extensive bonus materials and collectible packaging, making them must-haves for loyal fans and collectors.
The first multi-disc set to be released will be the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season One, Volume One 3-DVD set, which will arrive in stores and will be available through select digital entertainment platforms on August 21, 2012. Marking the DVD debut of the original Power Rangers series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season One, Volume One features the first 30 original episodes from the first season and delivers over 10 hours of high-energy, family friendly entertainment. Poised to attract a new audience of kids as well as young adults who grew up with this popular series.
Featuring the subsequent 30 original episodes, this DVD set continues more action-packed adventures of five teens, who quickly learn the full impact and awesome responsibility of their new powers and weapons. The evil villain, Rita Repulsa and her henchmen prove to be very worthy adversaries for the young super heroes, and they are challenged at every turn.”
I watched the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when I was a child and really enjoyed it. I always pretended I was the Pink Power Ranger! It was so fun to watch this show again with my 4 year old son. I was impressed by how quickly he came to love the show just as I had as a child. It is so fun to share shows that I watched as a child with him. It’s so nostalgic
Available in stores and online at now!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season One Volume One gets Bragging Rights!